Friday, October 24, 2008

The Obamamessiah Will Set Us Free

Jonah Goldberg has a piece titled "Racy Content" out today over at Read the whole thing here

Just a teaser though:

Transcend means "to move beyond, to surpass." At least that's what I always
thought. But I'm beginning to wonder whether it means instead: "Much, much more of the same, only this time really stupid."

Exhibit A: the incessant, relentless, click-your-ruby-red-slippers-and-say-it-until-it-comes-true mantra that Barack Obama will magically cause America to "transcend race." One hears and reads this everywhere, but less as an argument than as a prayer, an expression of faith, a "from my lips to The One's ear" sort of thing.

I went down to vote early yesterday. Interestingly, of the 12 people working the polling station, 7 were black. So how can the Democrats, and ACRORN logically keep harping about how blacks are likely to be disenfranchised? Wouldn't it have been anybody who wasn't black? But, I have to say that the poll workers at my polling station were very professional. I do feel that my vote will be counted. Now we wait for the results.

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