Saturday, March 7, 2009

The War on Guns: Just Like a Real Dictatorship

The War on Guns: Just Like a <i>Real</i> Dictatorship

This is actual legislation, sponsored by a real United States Congressman. Unbelievable. At least it has no other sponsors. There are rumblings, the latest from Sen. Byrd, that the executive branch is grabbing too much power. So maybe we will see a resurgence of back bone in the Congress yet.

Interestingly, our Constitution defined a Government with relatively equal powers between the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial Branches. Other countries have alternatively strong executive, or strong legislative forms of Government. Let's hope we don't go down the path of the strong executive.

The complaints about an "Imperial Presidency" seem to only come when a President is a Republican, but the fact is that the Executive has been accruing power since Teddy Roosevelt. It needs to be stopped, and turned back, if Americans are going to retain any freedom at all.

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