Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So simple even a Progluddite can understand

In an earlier post, I pointed out that what the people who are creating the chaos, and the Islamists, who are doing the same thing, want to do is stampede the average American into capitulating to an old idea, the Strong Man, with them as the Strong Men, of course. It's all about power and control. In today's American Thinker, John Pechette has an article that looks at the issue from a slightly different angle, but ends up coming to the same conclusions. In Our New Age Saboteurs, Pechette takes the Leftists apart by creating a new word Progluddite Just as the original Luddites were afraid of the new industrial revolution that would make lives better, so the Progluddites keep screaming "Stop, go back! It used to be better."

Really? For whom?

Today's Progluddites have irrational technological taboos and preferences: they hate nuclear power and the internal combustion engine and love 'clean, sustainable' and inefficient energy sources. The taboo technologies are clearly more productive, and the so-called sustainable technologies are nothing but updated versions of the Medieval energy sources our ancestors discarded.

Progluddites, however, are not interested in productivity or efficiency. High productivity is conducive to individual liberty and free choice, whereas low productivity is more conducive to collectivism. Progluddites believe that individual liberty and free choice are dangerous. Progluddites believe that, if only our political and economic culture became collectivist, the modern consumerist society would cease to exist, all excesses and inequities would be eliminated, and humanity would save itself from a technologically-induced disaster.

The Collectivist Utopia envisioned by Progluddites is not modern in concept: it is purely feudalistic. In their Perfect State, a Progluddite Oligopoly, a cadre of Leftist experts, would have dictatorial powers and the vast majority would be vassals serving the interests of their self-anointed rulers. Our future under the thumb of the Progluddite Elites would be identical to the past in which our Dark Age ancestors suffered. Once again, the mass of mankind would be born with a saddle on its back, to be ridden by a favored few who are booted and spurred; once again mankind's lot would be one of tyranny, stagnation, poverty, drudgery, cold, and hunger. But Progluddites, because they exist on a higher moral plane, and rule by virtue of a New Age Divine Right, would be exempt from the rules that they force upon their inferiors.
If you didn't get it when I wrote about Mordor awakening, perhaps the Progluddite analogy will make more sense.  But make no mistake that these people mean to rule over you and me.


  1. I am reminded of an anecdote of Isaac Asimov's. Apparently, once he moved to New York, he was occasionally invited to society parties. He didn't see the social elevation of his host as a reason to moderate his famously direct tongue.

    On one occasion, his hostess started to lament "the days when you could get good servants," and Asimov said, "God forbid."
    "What?" his hostess said. "Why not?"
    Asimov scowled and said, "Because we'd be the servants."

    Verbum sat sapienti.

  2. Francis,

    I am not sure what your ancestors did in Italy, but I know where some of mine were. The good old days were not so good.

    God bless,
