Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Finally, More Mainstream People Recognize the Fascist Regime

For three years I have been saying that Obama is setting up a fascist system, and I have wondered if it might not turn into a fascist dictatorship. In fairness to those who have argued that Obama is transforming the nation into a European Socialist State, there were elements of that too.  But to tell the truth, whether it is Communist, Socialist, or Fascist is not really important.  All these systems lead to the same place; a place governed on a collective theory that is foreign to American soil. 

In all fairness, George Bush set some of the precedents that, in the hands of a man like Obama, became weapons used against ordinary Americans. I had forgotten that Naomi Wolff had tried to make the case that Bush was setting us up to live in a fascist dictatorship earlier.  However, I was reminded of it by an article in the American Thinker entitled Obama's Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps by Timothy Birdnow.  Particularly with the Patriot Act, Wolff had some reason to feel unease.  The provisions in that act, if turned on Americans, denied our Constitutionally protected rights.  Also, the TSA was a creation of the Bush administration, and it has only grown more thuggish since its establishment.

Birdnow only hits the highlights. If the full list of lawless infringements of the rights of Americans committed by this regime were cataloged, the article would have become a book. This regime, has engaged in crony capitalism, elimination of the rule of laws, and tearing up the Constitution to a degree never before seen. The property of Americans has been stolen from them to enrich "friends of Barack."  More comes to light every day. His "signing statement" for the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act indicate that Obama no longer sees a need to follow Congressional directives, even though he signs them. If Obama sees no reason to follow Congressional directives, it is a sure bet that the agencies of the Executive Branch, like the EPA, no longer see a need to follow them either.

Then there are the blatant lies, told right to your face, that both he and you know are lies. Most politicians will tell you what you want to hear, if they can convince themselves that such a spin serves some higher purpose. I don't believe that most politicians overtly and intentionally lie. They may spin the truth sometimes, but not intentionally lie. But this administration lies all the time. They lie to Congress about the deals they make, they lie to the people in speeches. Glenn Beck had a piece on GBTV the other day, with the author of the book How Do You Kill 11 Million People, Andy Andrews. The answer is you lie to them. If you lie often enough, and big enough, and with enough sincerity, you can get them to cooperate in their own murders.

The NDAA is one of the scariest Acts passed to date.  That it was supported by those supposedly on our side makes it even more of a betrayal.  True conservatives should know that there is no such thing as a "collective will" that can be expressed by one man.  True conservatives, those we used to call liberals before liberals became leftists, try to persuade, but in the end, huge swaths of life are not touched by government, not because they don't want to, but because to touch them means a loss of a governing majority, and a loss of legitimacy.  The Left, on the other hand, does believe in this "collective will."  They believe it so fervently, that they go to extraordinary lengths when the theory is shown to be false.  They create in their minds the notion of "false consciousness" that blind "the masses" who must be led by a "vanguard" to true consciousness of the collective will.  But they recognize too that some can not be "educated."  They have a solution for that, too.      

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