Friday, June 26, 2009

Inmates in Charge of the Asylum

So today we will see which Democrats value more: their own political skin, or paying back the environmentalists. I have a feeling I know the answer. Congress is not listening to or representing We the People anymore. They are not listening to facts. Instead, they seem to be in the thrall of the Gaia worshipers. The Waxman-Markey cap and trade bill appears likely to pass despite its huge cost, despite that fact that it will do almost nothing to solve the problem it nominally attempts to solve, despite the fact that we are in a recession, despite the fact that Europe has already tried it an shown it to be a dismal failure on every level.

First up is Michelle Malkin whose piece EPA's Game of Global Warming Hide and Seek in today's brings up some evidence EPA didn't want to hear:

The free market-based Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington (where I served as a journalism fellow in 1995) obtained a set of internal e-mails exposing Team Obama's willful and reckless disregard for data that undermine the illusion of "consensus." In March, Alan Carlin, a senior research analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency, asked agency officials to distribute his analysis on the health effects of greenhouse gases. EPA has proposed a public health "endangerment finding" covering CO2 and five other gases that would trigger costly, extensive new regulations of motor vehicles. The open comment period on the ruling ended this week. But Carlin's study didn't fit the blame-human-activity narrative, so it didn't make the cut.
The role of the EPA should be as an honest broker. They should not be trying to fix the results by telling half the story. That is what advocates and activists do. It's fine for private activists, with an agenda and an axe to grind to tell only half the story. We expect it of them, and there are always counter voices to listen to and find the other half. But when an agency of the Executive branch silences legitimate voices because they have already made up their minds, facts be damned, it is We the People who end up paying dearly for their incompetence. Of course, this is not new territory for the EPA, but it is troubling none the less.

Next up is David Limbaugh's article Throw the Bums Out, also at today. David points out that in addition to not reading the 1,200 page bill before passing it, Congress has not done any other due diligence required before implementing such a monster:

...Doesn't it make sense that before enacting legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the purpose of reducing man-made global warming, Congress would investigate whether significant man-made global warming is occurring (as opposed to watching Al Gore's propaganda film and simply declaring, by fiat, that scientists have reached a consensus on the issue when they clearly have not)?

And if, after a thorough and balanced inquiry, they determine that it is occurring, shouldn't they next examine whether their proposed legislative remedy is likely to significantly ameliorate the problem?

But they not only have not conducted a bona fide examination of the man-made warming issue but also have not attempted to examine, in any remotely scientific way, how much their proposed bill would reduce global warming (assuming it exists to the extent they contend) or whether any such reductions would make any difference at all to humanity's short- or long-term health or happiness or anything else.

All of this would be outrageous enough if there were no economic costs associated with their proposal. But in fact, the costs would be astronomical and way beyond the calculations they are presenting -- fraudulently -- to the American people to stunt the opposition they'd encounter if the truth were revealed.
I frankly do not think we can likely stop this in the House. Maybe we can stop it in the Senate. I would suggest going off the grid, and living in your car, but with Government Motors "smart" cars, there isn't enough room for the reloading bench.

Update 6/27/09: As predicted, the House indeed passed the Waxman-Markey cap and trade bill. Glenn Beck reported last evening that some big names appear ready to profit big time. Algore may become the first cap and trade billionaire (big surprise there.) Goldman-Sachs stands to gain, as well as AIG. These last two, being now arms of the Government through the bailout process, makes the whole rot smell most distasteful. And then there is GE, owner of NBC and MSNBC. That of course explains the cheerleading from the media we have been hearing. Keep in mind that all these guys hope to make a killing of our your now strained pocketbook. Every item you buy will have a small cap and trade tax attached, though it won't be listed as such. Once again Congress has picked winners and losers. Guess who has been chosen to play the chump?


  1. Dammit, that is all i can say on the net about my thoughts on this. I feel totally washed over this my rep was 1 of 3 who were NO SHOWS.


  2. I'm with you Jay. My "representative," David Price, NC-4, voted for this monster. That's all I can say here as well.

    Let's hope it can be stopped in the Senate.
