Friday, August 28, 2009

Obama's Thugs

From the American Thinker today comes an article by Kyle-Anne Shiver entitled Obama and the Thugs. You need to read the whole thing and look at all of the links, as she is not making this stuff up. The White House has staged town hall meetings in which only certain people could ask the President softball questions. They have had "doctors" extolling the virtues of single payer health care, only to be shown later that they weren't really doctors. They have sent goons to beat up ordinary citizens who speak out. Congressmen have bussed in people to fill up town halls in order to deny their constituents entrance. What is going on?

Of course, this is not the first time in history that playing politics has been a contact sport. The answer I suspect may be to have our own security forces at these events. Not armed, but trained in "persuasion" to act against the goons. The other thing is to have plenty of video cameras recording so these guys can be identified and outed at the very least.

Meanwhile, I found this somewhat amusing. Hitting home just how mean spirited the "tolerant" side is, and how "unjust" the people who are always looking for "justice" can be there is this piece also from the American Thinker today by C. Edmund Wright calling for those who oppose ObamaCare to go to the floor of the Senate and deliver a speech in the same vein as the "Liberal Lion" did against the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. Of course, in this case, they would be telling the truth. Hmmm....

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