Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sex and Whiskey, Oh My!

Nick Nichols has an interesting article on today entitled Contemplating Joe McCarthy, Socialized Medicine, Brothels and Whiskey. It's a title that definitely piques one's curiosity. In any case, it offers insight into how his brain works. The money quote:

The one thing that the neo-McCarthyites and I agree on is that analogies can be quite effective and, sometimes, even informative. I would urge anyone reading this column or watching ObamaCare propaganda paid for by the appeasement crowd in Washington, D.C. to consider this:

Legend has it that back in 1999, the federal government took over the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada after the brothel’s manager lost a federal fraud, racketeering and conspiracy case. I am told by sources on Capitol Hill that, as required by law, the government tried to run the operation. It failed and the Mustang Ranch closed. Now we are being asked by the Democrats to trust the economy of our country, our banking system, our auto industry and quite possibly the health of our loved ones to the same nit-wits who couldn't make money running a brothel and selling whiskey.

Think about it.
You do have to wonder. If the comparisons to the Post Office didn't phase you, if the analogy to the DMV's disdain for ordinary Americans didn't give you pause, if the abysmal record of the Public Schools didn't cause concern, perhaps this will. Sex and whiskey are two "products" which practically sell themselves. How could you lose?

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