Friday, October 2, 2009

Cass Sunstein Wants Bloggers to Chill

In an article at the American Thinker today, Lee Cary tells us that one of Obama's Czars seeks 'chilling effect' on the internet. Apparently the Administration has been stung by rumors, spread about by sites like the American Thinker, and others, such as that Goofball Wormening is a hoax, that Cap and Tax is...well...a tax, or that the elderly and the unborn will suffer most under Obamacare, and that since that seems to be by design, one might call them "Death Panels."

Well, boo hoo. It's called journalism, and is protected under the First Amendment. I remember when the Left respected the First Amendment-or was that just a head fake? Now that they are finally in power, they want to silence all opposition? Is that it? Frankly, I thought Cass Sunstein was smarter than that. The way to prevail is to persuade with facts (not made up facts, know...real, actual facts.) Facts, as Mr. Madison said, are stubborn things. Opinions on the other hand, are worth what it cost you to read this, and everyone has one. Now, not all will be persuaded. Some people remain so locked into their agenda, that no amount of evidence can persuade. But the vast majority can be, if the facts are presented enough. But that presupposes that you have actual facts, and the time to present them. Quite frankly, the Left has neither.

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