Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Obama to Sign Away our Sovereignty

Thanks to Western Rifle Shooters Association for bringing this up. Anthony Watts, of wattsupwiththat.com fame has posted the proposed climate change treaty on his site (click above), as well as a video of Lord Monckton's speech. Lord Monckton makes the point that this treaty will take away our rights to choose where we spend our tax funds, and impose a world government whose powers will likely only grow with time.

I hate to do this to you, but you must write your Senators and request they sponsor and vote for a resolution that the Senate will not ratify such a treaty. Furthermore, you must request that if such a treaty is signed and presented to them, that they not vote to ratify it.

I would hope that preserving their own personal power would cause the Senators to recoil from this treaty,but the Democratic party has shown an uncanny ability to drive the United States into the ground, rather like a pilot that has lost his orientation. So, it is up to us. Whether you think that climate change is happening or not, whether you believe man is responsible or not, this treaty is not the way to solve it.

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