Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is there Hope?

Scooter Schaefer has an interesting take on The New Face of Student Activism today over at Go check it out. The part I find most hopeful is this:

What is missing from this traditional mold of campus activism on the right is a clear and defined ideology that provides a rallying cry for students equal or greater to those on the left. Liberalism on college campuses is not adequately challenged unless by direct confrontation and contradiction. Consider that liberty, although opposite of socialism is similar in its appeal to students. Both are an uncompromising ideology, impassioned cause, and call to action, and therefore can equally resonate with students.
It's about time, and past time, really. I don't necessarily like the idea that Conservatism is being defined as being like your father's Oldsmobile. But I could live with it. Conservatism in this country does not mean the same thing as conservatism does in Europe, a fact lost on the MSM. Conservatism there means to be authoritarian, even monarchical. In this country, though, conservatism seeks to conserve the precious gains made in the Founding; Constitutional principles, radically limited government, respecting equal rights under the law (not equal outcomes, not even equal opportunities) and a rule of law that applies to everyone equally no matter ones station in life. It means that government is there to uphold our individual rights to life, liberty, and property. Government is not there to perform experiments in social engineering. Indeed, social norms should respond to society and is none of the government's business, other to insure official nondiscrimination.

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