Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The War on Guns: New York City’s gun permit system reflects elitism, not equality

The War on Guns: New York City’s gun permit system reflects elitism, not equality

As to yesterday's post, David Codrea says it better than I did. But what would you expect? David is a professional, whereas I do it to inform my friends and family, and two other readers out there (you know who you are.) So go read David's National Gun Rights Examiner article.


  1. Hi,

    The federal firearms license is not a license or a legal permit to buy firearms or use one but a license for being able to conduct business of selling the same. Thanks a lot...

    Federal Firearms License Guide

  2. New York City sued the gun manufacturers and sellers for creating a public nuisance by marketing and distributing firearms in ways that make the accessibility of handguns prevalent to criminals. Firearm owners are subject to the firearm laws of the state they are in, not their state of residence. Thanks a lot.

