Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Unconstitutionality of Obamacare

The American Thinker has a great article today entitled To Hell With the Constitution by Jon N. Hall. Another writer seems to be getting it. The Obamacare bill that passed the House last Saturday night is not Constitutional. The bill violates the 9th and 10th Amendments. The Commerce Clause can not be used to provide a fig leaf with which Congress may cover itself. The General Welfare never meant what Steny Hoyer implied in his news conference.

But now Congress is ramming through their abortion of a bill by the thinnest of majorities. The House just passed its version 220 to 215 -- a 3-vote margin to pass the "mother of all entitlements." The Senate is considering its options, among them the "nuclear option" (called "reconciliation"), which would allow them to get around a filibuster.

If Congress were to do the right thing and initiate an amendment to enshrine the "individual mandate" in the would fail miserably. If America is still America, Americans will not tolerate being told they have to buy something, especially if it's for no other reason than that they exist. If ObamaCare becomes law, folks will drop their insurance out of principle. They'll file suits against the feds. The states will resist, perhaps rebel. And great will be the tumult thereof.

I'm afraid Congress has not only misread the Constitution, but they've also misjudged the American people. Or maybe they just don't know what country they live in.
Or, they are trying to change the country into one they would rather live in, just so long as they are in charge.

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