Sunday, January 2, 2011

Armed and Safe: New Year's resolution: Become a 'Militia of One'#links

Armed and Safe: New Year's resolution: Become a 'Militia of One'#links

I had decided to do exactly what this article suggests before I read it, but it reinforces my idea. Kurt is wheelchair bound, but I am simply an out of shape, late 50s slug.

So far, I have stocked up on food, and laid in a supply of ammunition. I need to get to the range more regularly. I need to get in shape. I recently renewed my Ham license, and have committed to upgrading my skills in this area as well.

Incidentally, Amateur Radio is one area where a person can provide skills while sitting in a wheel chair. In an emergency, teams of people, whether they be a fire team, or a rescue team, need communications. But communications are often overloaded, or out of service at precisely such times. I can recall that Ham radio operators were the first to provide emergency communications during the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. Amateur radio operators often work with the professionals to provide Emergency communications during exercises designed to simulate real world events.


  1. Just got my first HAM. Getting ready to get the FCC go ahead. Any suggestions?


  2. Jay,

    Congratulations! Not sure where you are, but I am assuming that you are ready to take the test for Technician. If you can answer all 100 questions they could potentially throw at you, you'll do fine.

    Good luck,
