Monday, November 5, 2018

Its All About the Benjamins

The true nature of the invading force on our Southern border is exposed here by William L. Gensert in a piece at the American Thinker entitled The Caravan: Rules During an Invasion. Gensert takes a while to get to the heart of his argument, but it is this: the "caravan" otherwise known as an invading force, is a tool of the Democrat party.
Let's unmask the "caravan" for what it is.
Look at the timing. The mass of migrants seems to be scheduled to arrive at an hour of convenience for the Democratic Party. The timeframe is malleable. At first, there were trucks picking them up at night (when no one was looking) to get them to the border faster, just in time for the election. Suddenly, as the Democratic Party's needs have changed, those trucks have disappeared.
Yet we know, should things change again, and the Democrats want them to arrive before election day, there will be new trucks to bring them here. Should they want the huddled masses to breach our border after election day, they will let them continue their walk on foot. The determination of the course of "caravan" action will depend on what the president says and does and what the left thinks the optics will be.
It's all about the Benjamins. People mistake the left as an ideology when it is really a religion, and as with all false religions, proponents are all about power and wealth. It is not a coincidence that powerful Democrats all become fabulously wealthy, with multiple mansions and scads of servants, while serving the public.
I do not know who is funding the invasion, and I don't wish to speculate. The Left has a number of billionaires who could be funding it. Beto O'Rourke's campaign has been caught by Project Veritas apparently admitting sending them funding for supplies. There are other possible sugar-daddies who could benefit, including some in the Mideast as well as China.  But it does appear to be controlled by the American Left. 

America was won by conquest.  That was how things were done.  We are constantly chastised because we displaced the people who were already here.  Our culture displaced their culture. I here it all the time how put upon the Indians were, even though it now appears that they in turn conquered the peoples they refer to as the Ancient Ones.  The Left, sensing potential weakness in us, wants to exploit our supposed guilt over what our forebears did.  But I do not feel any guilt, do you?  If our forebears had not won an improbable victory in the New World, I would not be here.  So no, I am not sorry. But now, another culture wants to displace ours.  Why are they seen as good, when they are simply trying to do what we ourselves did?  If we were the bad guys then, why are not they seen as the bad guys now?  The answers to these, questions and more, can be found in the last quoted paragraphs: its all about the Benjamins. 

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