Thursday, March 28, 2019

I am right there with you

I have been saying for the last 10 or so years that our justice system has been seriously corrupted.  There is a two tiered system in this country, one for the elites, and one for the rest of us.  There is no reason to create new laws.  We have enough laws, if they were enforced evenly and fairly.  Today at Kurt Schlichter has another barn burner pointing out this two tiered system in a piece entitled You're A Sucker For Not Believing That The System Is Rigged. Along the way, Schlichter also points out that there are too many laws already, and our legislature, who supposedly work for us, keeps adding more.
Imagine you handled classified information and you took it home and put it on your iPad. Do you think the FBI would be super-concerned with your feels about it and give you a pass, like Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit got from Jim Comey, or would you be bunking with Michael Cohen? And speaking of that Looming Doofus, if you lied under oath in front of Congress, do you think you’d be free to wander the country, posting stupid tweets of yourself staring at trees and beaches?
The American dream has morphed into the American grift. And we normal people are the marks.
Let’s stop pretending. Let’s stop accepting the ruling class’s lies. And let’s stop lying to ourselves.
America has changed. There used to be one standard, one set of laws, one set of rules. Now, there are two. The one set of rules for normal people is designed to jam us up, to keep us down, to ensure that the power of the powerful never gets challenged.
Rush Limbaugh insists that justice is coming for Felonia Von Pantsuit and others who committed crimes during the 2016 campaign. But then Jussie Smollett gets off with the lightest of sentences, essentially no punishment at all. The people who allowed guns to walk to Mexico during Fast and Furious have never been, and will never be charged or convicted of anything. Meanwhile the gun grabbers want to hold the people who did nothing wrong accountable for what a mass murder did. How many times must it be repeated that the weapon did not commit the murders.  But then, the gun grabbers do not care.  Their only concern is that you and I can not challenge their edicts.

The latest gun grab are the so called "Red Flag" laws, one of which is circulating in the North Carolina legislature now.  These Red Flag laws are a triple threat to the Constitution.  First, and foremost, they deny someone of his or her Constitutionally recognized right to keep and bear arms.  Second, they take a persons property without just compensation.  Third, these laws create the illusion of due process, a fig leaf to make it seem constitutional.  These laws do not present true due process but only a shadow of it so the courts can declare it Constitutional.

I would point out too that while an accuser can do so for the price of half a day down at the court house, the accused must hire a lawyer, at great expense to himself,  The accuser doesn't have to appear in court, and in fact his or her name is held secret, so that the accused can not face his accuser.  And while the accused loses a right, the accuser faces only a misdemeanor charge if found to have made a false accusation.  Shouldn't the accuser have to pay the lawyers fees for the accused defense if he can not make it stick?
If you still wonder how we got Trump, just look around you. He’s a cry for help, a scream against the injustice we’re surrounded by. This injustice is poison to our country. This injustice is what makes republics fall apart, when the worthless ruling class pushes its contempt in the people’s collective face so hard and for so long that the population finally screams “The hell with this!”
I am right there with you, Kurt.

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