Sunday, May 19, 2019

Gun Grabbers Go Snipe Hunting

Don Wos writing at the American Thinker thinks that Anti -gun Radicals Are On A Misguided Mission. Please go read the whole thing, as it is short. Wos's argument is that the problem identified by gun grabbers, so-called "gun violence" is a ghost. The real problem is human violence.
The dangerous push to disarm Americans is a clear example of deceitful people misleading others who don't know any better by leveraging their own fear and anger against them. If people were able to see how the anti-gun propaganda is designed to mislead them, anti-gun groups would be seen for what they really are: fearful, angry anti-gunners chasing a ghost that never existed while simultaneously putting good people in danger to support a political agenda. 
Lucky for the anti-gun groups, some people would rather be led by reactive emotion than logical thought. Here are some facts for those who want the truth.
-  Gun-free zones have been the target of more than 98% of all mass shootings (Crime Prevention Research Center) (Anti-Gun Groups support GFZ's)
-  Guns are used 2.46 million time per year in America to save lives (Centers for Disease Control) (report was hidden from the public for 20 years)
-  Ninety percent of criminals surveyed in jail admitted to avoiding background checks when acquiring firearms (Department of Justice study)
In chasing after guns, the gun grabbers are essentially playing the old game of snipe hunting. You know how this goes. You find a gullible child, present him with the great adventure of hunting and capturing a "snipe", a creature that doesn't actually exist. Of course it must be at night. After leading the child around searching for and almost catching the snipe, the older boys reveal that it was all a joke. Ha, Ha, Ha.  In the process, the child learns to be a more critical thinker so he isn't taken for a fool.

But for gun grabbers, the snipe is not a joke. And they are quite willing to infringe YOUR rights to satisfy THEIR fears.


  1. Very good analogy with the snipe hunting. It makes the point of how (it seems to me, anyway) little critical thinking skills are being taught to children these days. Good stuff, Wade. Best always, take care!

  2. David,

    Thanks for your comment, and for checking into my blog. I haven't been very active lately as the summer busy season is upon us here.

