Saturday, October 26, 2019

What the Left Really Wants

Apparently I must again address what is real versus what is the Left's magical thinking.  Just as a Rutgers University professor of "gender studies" claimed that the cause of fat black women was due to racism.  Of course, it is no such thing.  Instead, as I posted, fat black women, like fat white women and fat Latin women, and indeed, fat people everywhere, are fat becuase of their diets.

Today, I noted that the Seattle School District has determined, against all evidence to the contrary, that mathematics is a tool of oppression of minorities according to a post at The American Thinker by Eric Utter. This claim indicates a profound misunderstanding of just what mathematics is. As an engineer, in acquiring my major, I necessarily acquired a minor in mathematics because of the amount of math necessary to perform as an engineer. Math is entirely neutral in terms of politics, in terms of race, national origin, sexual orientation, or any other way of dividing us that the Left may invent. The concept of "Western mathematics" is also utterly and profoundly wrongheaded.

I will not quote the article, as I usually do.  Gentle readers can read the article for themselves.  Instead, I want to point out that progressives who espouse these trash theories are doing a huge disservice to those for whom they claim to be working.  Mathematics is the means by which we can understand how the physical phenomena that make up our lives actually work.

Think about the many electronic devices you use daily.  The components that make up the circuits in your smart phone, your computer, your television or radio are all defined by mathematics.  Where are you reading this article?  If it is inside, look up and note that the roof was designed by an engineer using mathematics and science.  Indeed, the definition of an engineer is one who applies science to solve practical problems.  When you got up this morning, one of the first things you did no doubt was to open the water tap to pour yourself some water.  The entire chain of pipes, valves, pumps, and storage tanks are defined by mathematics and the science of hydraulics.

I can also tellyou that mathematics is universal, being the same at every point in the universe.  2 + 2 always equals 4, no matter where you are.  Historians of mathematics will know that the Europeans learned algebra from the Arabs, who had developed it as a way to further their mercantile efforts.  As the saying goes, unless you know your numbers, you don't know your business.  Europeans, however were more interested in finding ways to discover how God's creation worked, believing in the Christian idea of a rational God.  Slowly, they discovered more and deeper mathematics as they discovered more and more of the inner workings of God's creation.  Issac Newton is credited with discovering the calculus as a way to describe his laws of motion and gravity.

Light travels at a speed of approximately 186,000 miles every second.  Compared to light, we are essentially standing still.  Even traveling at the sound barrier as some jet airplanes can do, we are still essentially standing still.  Newton's laws it turns out are not themselves universal.  Einstein updated Newton by making it more general to include things that travel at or close to the speed of light.  This discovery has unlocked the world of subatomic particles, and shown us yet more, and more amazing parts of God's great and amazing creation.

The Left constantly claims that they are on the side of science, but how can a person rightly be "on the side of" something of which he has no understanding.  It is also true that the Left has a well deserved antipathy to the Christian and Jewish religion.  Perhaps this attack on mathematics is a reflection of the fact that the Left has always wanted to make the world as it thinks it should be rather than as it is. The Left has always promised a Utopia, a heaven on Earth.  The Bible tells us though, that Utopia can't exist, that such a thing is impossible until Christ comes again, which explains the Left's antipathy.

Just as the Left promotes the notion that one can change one's gender by declaring it to be so, just as the claim that abortion is not murder, or that the fact of climate change is due to  a gas that makes up a mere 4 parts per million parts, or 0.0004% of the atmosphere.  Seem silly?  If they understood mathematics and science, it wouldn't pass the smell test of most of our citizens.  But maybe that is what the Left actually wants.

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