Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Choice

 I have been reading other blogs than those on this site, that have warned for years that we are heading for a civil war.  The American Partisan in particular has bee at pains to provide information that will help a person prepare. In particular, besides securing a supply line and hardening your abode, one must harden one's heart. Note, though, that hardening one's heart does not mean jettisoning one's compassion. Rather, it means adopting a flint eyed view of strangers, because unless you know a person, they could be out to take stuff, your life, and the lives of your family and friends. 

But of late I am seeing more and more talk of civil war in more mainstream publications. At the American Thinker yesterday, E.M. Cadwaladr had a pretty explicit article entitled The Battle of November 3 Is Coming. Cadwaladr discusses a colleague who is a typical "low information voter" who doesn't like Trump's tweets. But does a dislike of hes tweets justify a vote in favor of the Socialists?
My associate said he hadn't seen Biden lately and that he'd go look at a few interviews. To be fair, Creepy Joe has become less attracted to the light of day than Dracula with a case of the measles. Could I have pushed my case for Trump a little harder? Sure. But my coworker is a director, corporations don't like boat-rockers, and I'm strongly inclined to keep my job. Put a million votes in the balance, and perhaps I'll pull the pin on that grenade. I am not quite willing to chance my career on one.
I'm sure there are millions of people in the country like my coworker — people who, believe it or not, still haven't noticed. They believe that the stability of their lives is something they can take for granted. That politics is still a mild nudge in this direction or that, which they can easily ignore. Man's capacity to rationalize is strong. People can, through blind hope and active imagination, still convince themselves that the election is merely a protracted personality contest in which the nicest smile wins. They can believe that the decent person's duty is to think and say Trump is a vulgar and offensive pig. What they will actually do when they stand in the illusory privacy of a poll booth is unknown. I wince to think about it. "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe..."
Whether Trump wins or loses, these people are going to have a shock in store when they wake up on November 4. A civil war now stares us in the face. You don't have to be a kook to see it coming anymore.
Please go read the entire article. Next, WAKE UP. I have colleagues like Cadwaladr who believe this is just another election. To be fair, they have been told that every election is life and death for decades. With so much crying of "wolf!", people tend to ignore when they are told that THIS time, it really is. I believe it is. Please make up your own minds.  The choice is between fundamentally transforming America, of restoring the Constitutional republic of the United States.

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