Friday, June 25, 2021

Why Are They Pushing So Hard?

 Patricia McCarthy has a post at the American Thinker entitled Vaccines: When the boomer generation's wisdom meets the millenials' will to submit. There are two threads running through the article. The first is asking what the heck is with the millenial generation's apparent willingness to roll over and play dead? Where is the natural suspicion of the government? The other thread running through the post is this:

Some doctors believe that thousands have died as a direct result of the vaccines. Dr. McCullough is only one of them. There are hundreds of them from all around the world. The man who invented mRNA, Dr. Robert Malone, is on record warning about the potential dangers of the vaccines, especially for the young. He’s of course been censored by all of the mainstream media except Fox News and several alternate sites that have yet to be silenced. So if your friends and family members confine their vaccine information gathering to CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and MSNBC, they know only what the government/media wants them to know, that they must, must, must submit to one of the three vaccines available in order to survive a flu for which there are numerous treatments. One has to ask what the hell is in those jabs that the global elites are so determined to mandate our submission to them? Never in US history has the federal government pushed an experimental medical procedure so relentlessly.

There must be a reason, and we should know what that reason is. Is it money? One reason might be that the companies that developed the vaccines have spent a lot of money, and worked a backroom deal to kick back to the politicians in return for pushing the vaccine. But then, the companies have already gotten that remuneration through Operation Warp Speed (thank you President Trump.) So...

Other reasons seem more sinister. For example, what did the government know and when did they know it in regard to the Wuhan Labs release of the virus? It seems more and more likely that in fact the virus was deliberately leaked as a bioweapon. Did the government know this early on? Is that the reason for Operation Warp Speed? Is that the reason everybody has to get a jab?

Then, there is the Bill Gates involvement in the virus and the response to it. Gates is known to believe that the earth is overpopulated. Somehow the Malthus heresy seems to spread despite the fact it has been debunked over and over. Is there something in the vaccines that we will only find out about after it is too late that limits our time on earth? I am sure McCarthy has similar thoughts.

Sadly, there have been many thousands of deaths due to COVID, most of them among the very elderly who suffered from one or several co-morbidities. NY Gov. Cuomo seemed to almost relish the thousands of deaths in his state rather than take advantage of the field hospitals and hospital ship Trump provided. The same is true of Gov. Murphy of NJ and Newsom of CA. These are horrific men without a shred of character; the preservation of their own political power governs every move they make. They care nothing at all for their actual constituents. The people are just bits of data to be moved about on carefully constructed charts of their own making. Like any pollster, they can make the numbers “show” whatever they want them to show.
All of this demonstrates to millions of us that there must be something so treacherous, so unscrupulous, so potentially lethal about these vaccines that we will never submit to them. Jill Biden was booed in Tennessee when she complained that only three in ten Tennesseans had been vaxxed. She stupidly responded that “you’re only booing yourselves.” She may be the dumbest First Lady ever; and the most grasping for undeserved power.
Why are the pushing the vaccines so hard? Isn't it each person's responsibility to determine for themselves what medicines they take, what treatments they get? Last I heard, doctors are health advisors, not health dictators. In a different time, one was supposed to ask questions, ask about the risks, weigh the risks and benefits, before making a decision. But with the vaccine, one is spposed to just accept the jab without even the benefit of a doctor visit. What gives?

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