Monday, November 28, 2022

There Will Be Blood

I was just about to stitch together two or three posts into a common theme, when I happened upon Christopher Chantrill's article at the American Thinker entitled Dreaming of America's Future. As I was reading today, I was reminded of at story in the Book of Genesis about a group of people who were building a tower to reach up to heaven. In the story, the Tower of Babel, God took away the people's common language such that they could no longer effectively build a tower to heaven. 

It's a nice story, but what does that have to do with things today, you ask? Genesis is a dusty old book full of dusty old stories that have nothing to do with today.  Just this: whenever men attempt to become too powerful, to control every facet of their fellow citizens' lives, and to create a Great and Powerful Oz who demands the citizens worship it, God cuts those people down to size.  Lucifer can only do what God allows him to do.

 Right now, the Pope is claiming that salvation is only through the Church at Rome. But Jesus says that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one enters heaven except through Him. Of course the Pope says that the only way to Christ is through the Church. But perhaps the schisms that have occured means that Rome may not be the true Church after all. Perhaps. And note that this Pope is playing footsie with open homosexuals, with proabortionists, with Muslims and Communist China-all things past Popes have preached against. Could it be that Rome is cruisin' for a bruisin'?  Perhaps.  God is no respecter of men.

 Speaking of Communist China, over at the American Thinker today, Monica Showalter has a post entitled Eric Hoffer can tell us a lot about what's going on in China right now. What's going on is that despite the brutal repression, people all over China are rising up in protest. Brutal repression only takes you so far. When it becomes obvious that you are better off dead, that you literally have nothing left to lose, the totalitarian finds himself at the bitter end of the rope. There is no knot to hang onto. Will the Chinese people succeed? I am no fortune teller, but I am praying they do. Then there is Klaus Schwab and his merry band of World Economic Forum (WEF) wannabe totalitarians in Davos.
Second, I think that the top-down political and economic philosophy of everyone from Klaus Schwab to President Xi to the Duke of Fauci is going to blow up. As I put into my maxims library this week:
Five Year Plan equals Great Leap Forward equals Build Back Better.
Do you understand what that means, you progressives, you CCPers, and you WEFers, and all you twentysomething journalists that literally know nothing? It means that top-down supervision of the economy has never worked and never will. It means that your top-down Great Reset is just another version of the two biggest economic debacles of the 20th century, when educated idiots thought they knew the shortcut to the future.
But what if the climate reaches a tipping point?
What if it does? The one thing certain is that we don't want Klaus Schwab or Joe Biden or Lord Fauci anywhere near the Engineer's Dials.
Roussaeu, Marx, Lenin, Gramsci, Marcuse and the Frankfurt School and now BLM, Antifa, Schwab and the Biden administration are just the latest to challenge God in support of Lucifer. The ruler of this world continually hopes finally to beat his adversary. We should, as Christ told us, pray for our enemies and those who despise us. But God has hardened their hearts.

Meanwhile, as J. B. Shurk notes in Some Will Run, Some Will Stay, there will be suffering along the way. It has always been such. It is what we were designed for. There will be blood. We must remain, and to stay and fight.

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