Mike Konrad has an article at the American Thinker today that speaks to the historical accuracy of Muhammed and Islam. Or not, as the truth more and more is that Muhammed is total fiction, and that Islam is a very poor copy of Christianity and Judaism. Moreover, they badly understand these two religions, for if they did, they would understand the peaceful nature of both of these religions. For man's true purpose is to be a faithful image of God himself on earth. The fact that we will never be that faithful image because we are fallen doesn't mean that we can give up and just do what we want. God has given us 10 commandments to live by, starting with to love, fear, and trust Him in all things. Jihad and suicide bombings are not part of God's plan, nor is lying and murder.
Konrad starts his article by discussing the historicity of King Arthur.
As an amateur historian -- and probably not a good one -- I go nuts when I see amateurish fictions tendered as core premises. This is no more frequently found than in Hollywood; but do not kid yourself, it is not confined to Hollywood.
The following famous movie scene (based on the play) is a case in point, one worse than most:
Camelot is unique. And we have, by far and away, the most equitable climate in all England -- Camelot (1967)
A) The King Arthur stories hail back to the collapse of Celtic Briton, after the Roman garrison left in 410 AD. England did not exist at the time.
B) King Arthur might have been based on the life of a Celtic tribal chief, who fought the Anglo-Saxons (the proto-English). The English were not the heroes.
C) The Medieval castle in the far background of the movie scene would not have existed at that time.
D) South Britain rarely has hard freezes as the movie shows. The Gulf Stream usually keeps London above freezing in winter. Miserably raw, but rarely snow and ice buildup on the trees.
E) The only thing the movie got right -- probably by accident -- was casting Richard Harris, an Irishman and Celt, in the role. Especially since Artuir mac Áedán, a sixth-century Gaelic Scot, the grandson of an Irish king, is the best possible candidate for the real Arthur (that link is great, but it also erroneously shows medieval castles). And even that speculation about Artuir mac Áedán is questionable.
So, Konrad concludes that King Arthur might possibly have existed, though not in the Middle Ages, not in a place called Camelot, and not in a country called England. Then he launches into the real reason he is writing today, the fact that Muhammed is less historical than King Arthur. Indeed, Muhammed did not even exist.
It is now coming out into the popular realm that the historicity of Mohammed may be a total fabrication. Not merely a distortion, but a total fabrication. Robert Spencer has written a polemic questioning the whole historicity of Islam’s founder. And not just Robert Spencer, but Dr. Jay Smith.
As Dr. Jay Smith points out, in the 19th and 20th centuries, Christianity was subjected to higher criticism, in which much of its basic history was questioned. Though the academic assaults were brutal, in the end, Christianity held up, as one by one, its critics were shown wrong. For ex: The historicity of Pontius Pilate was doubted until 1961, when the Pilate Stone was discovered in Caesarea, Israel.
Not so with Islam.
When Western academics finally started applying higher criticism to Islam, unlike Christianity, Islam quickly folded like a deck of cheap cards. The Muslims cannot handle this.
I have read Robert Spencer's book which makes a pretty airtight case that at the very least the existence of Muhammed is doubtful. But Spencer himself seems convinced that Muhammed was a fabrication, and that the Quran was put together from Christian writings in Syriac.
Dr. Jay Smith is more accessible, being on Youtube, and presents much evidence that the origins of Islam lay in the fight against the Arian heresy. Arius believed that Jesus was not divine. While this heresy was disposed of at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, many Arians remained and escaped to the East. So, a ruler that believed in Arianism could impose that belief on the people under him. In other words, the fight against the West has always been a fight between Trinitarians and Anti-trinitarians.
Of course, if you read the Old Testament carefully, you will notice that there is first God-YHWH. Then there is the Spirit of the LORD, acting independently of YHWH but of course it is His Spirit. Then there is the Angel of the LORD which we are told carries the Name of the LORD or YHWH. He appears a number of times in the Old Testament. So, the Trinity is already there in Jewish theology before Jesus is born. It takes Christian readers systemitizing theology to come up with the term "Trinity."
Jesus claimed to be that person, the Angel of the LORD, of YHWH in the Old Testament. You either believe him, in which case that makes you a Christian, or you believe that the Messiah is yet to come, which religiously makes you Jewish. Islam is not a real religion. It is a fabrication of a ruler who followed long debunked Arius. Those are the facts.