Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting What We Deserve

For a historian's take on the elections, see Atlas Shrugged. Of course, the time for warnings is over. Now we will have to watch, and make whatever preparations each of us deems necessary, and which we can afford. Who knows, the talking heads on TV may be right, and the One can't really govern as he campaigned, though I think these people are whistling past the grave yard.

Over at Israpundit is a good article on Liberal Fascism, as well as his take on what the One meant by his civilian security force that is just as well funded as the military.

Meanwhile, it appears the "Democrats" are planning an assault on our 1st Amendment rights that entails something more comprehensive than just the reinstatement of the un-Fairness Doctrine. Austin Hill writes at With a near filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and with votes mysteriously turning up in Minnisota in support of the Democrat, I doubt that the Senate Republicans will much of a barrier. A little teaser from Mr. Hill's piece:

On June 29th of this year, I authored a column wherein I suggested that the antiquated “Fairness Doctrine” might be the least of our concerns. I further surmised that a President Obama and a Democratically controlled Congress may pursue something I termed “comprehensive media reform” - - a much broader, all-inclusive attempt to more fully regulate media content and ownership. I believe the stage is now set for such an effort. I’m imagining a rather sophisticated public relations campaign that would play out in the context of “experts” testifying before the next Congress, and “research” that would be reviewed in congressional investigations.

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