Thursday, April 15, 2010

Progressives are Really Children

Robin of Berkeley has an invaluable post up at the American Thinker today entitledA funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Revolution. It is invaluable if you want to know how the other side sees things. A quote:

But a funny thing happened on my way to the revolution. That lightning bolt hit, and I changed forever.

And now I see that that progressivism is simply children acting out, thumbing their noses at Mommy and Daddy and God Himself. This explains the perpetual temper tantrums and the lost, vacant looks.

While kids are naturally self-centered, when adults behave this way, they're narcissists. Growing up means no longer placing oneself at the center of the universe.

It requires facing the facts: This existence is unfair and imperfect. No human being, no matter how charismatic, can change the nature of reality.
So, the other side sees things much as your 13 year old child does. Nice. They are about as mature as that too. But don't kid yourself, these people are still dangerous, and will likely become more so as their agenda unravels. Be watchful at TEA Party rallies, and at the RTC Rally at Fort Hunt Monday. When infiltrators start to act up, be sure to surround them and start yelling "Marxists!" to attract attention. Mostly though, be careful out there, and hope to see some of you around this week.

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