Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sharia is coming, Sharia is coming!

What is it with Leftist and Islamists? Pamela Geller reports on a Shameful State Department Initiative over at the American Thinker. Go and read.

She is right in every particular. The "religion of peace" is not a religion at all, but a brutal political system. It is notoriously intolerant, yet asks for tolerance. It is incompatible with personal liberty and freedom.

Pamela doesn't mention this, but the same government that has been waging a misguided war on Christianity under the idea that the establishment clause forbids all references to God and Jesus, somehow justifies cozying up to Islam?  Does that mean they don't see it as a religion either?

1 comment:

  1. Who knows what these idiots think.
    They only thing they're sure of is that have to destroy our beloved America.
