Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Keeping the Uninformed Blissfully Ignorant

The President ripped away whatever is left of the mask he has worn since the 2008 elections. What he articulated in the State of the Union show fits the classic definition of Facsism. Jonah Goldberg, who also wrote Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, writing in the National Review Online, in an article entitled Obama's Vision for a Spartan America is disgusted.  And with good reason.  The United States is the one nation on earth where each individual has been allowed to pursue his own vision of the good life.  Not anymore.  It is only a short step from where we are to some bureaucrat deciding where you will live, what you will do for a living, and how much you will be paid.  It is a short step to some bureaucrat deciding how warm to keep your house, what appliances you may have, what food you may eat, and all the other decisions you make now.  As it stands, bureaucrats are deciding what health care you will receive, and when that becomes too expensive, when you will die.

This is not a vision of America, it is a vision of Mussolini's Italy, or Hitler's Germany.  It is the vision of a Fascist America that the Progressives have been working towards for over 100 years.

Meanwhile the Republican elites are doing their best to see that Obama's vision comes true.  They don't want ordinary Americans making their own decisions any more than the Democrats do.  In Our Elective Despotism, (American Thinker)  Lawrence Sellin explains that the only thing the Republican establishment wants is to get their hands on our tax money and distributed it to their friends. The only thing they don't like about ObamaCare is that they were frozen out of any decision making. By way of illustrating his point Sellin writes:

One of the most honest and courageous members of Congress in decades, Rep. Allen West (R-FL), is about to become a sacrificial lamb of the collusion between the Republican and Democratic establishments in the state of Florida.

And what is West's crime? He is an independent thinker and a rising star of the Tea Party movement.

The Republican establishment hates the Tea Party because it has the audacity to suggest that American citizens should have a voice in their government.
Reading between the lines, both political parties want to transform the United States into a Fascist State, with, of course, the elites of either party at the helm. Interesting, he is backed up by Steve McCann, also writing in the American Thinker in an article entitled The Republican Party's Strategic Blunder.

The overriding interest of this cabal has been and continues to be: the accumulation of power through the control of the income, borrowing and spending by the Federal Government. Thus, with the exception of the presidency of Ronald Reagan and the Republican controlled House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999, the Republican members of the Ruling Class have been content since 1952 to merely slow down the big-government policies of the Democrats while publicly decrying their tax and spend policies.

This insider apparatus has been the primary determining factor in whom among those choosing to run for office will receive the financial, media and logistical support so vital for any political campaign, but particularly for national office be it the Presidency or either house of Congress. It is this cabal that has given the nation Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush and John McCain in the presidential sweepstakes and innumerable go-along to get-along members of Congress.
And that is why we have either had to hold our noses and vote for the Republican, who promised to take us there slower, or vote for the Democrat who promised to take us there faster. But neither one promised us the liberty to live our own lives.

McCann posits the death of the Republican party, and I agree. But what will replace it? If whatever replaces it must use the same politicians, with the same prejudices, to win office, are we any better off?  Unless we can reverse the leftward drift into fascism that the nation is taking, a second party will be pointless, only serving to keep the uninformed blissfully ignorant.  We will have simply two wings of a single party.


  1. Francis,

    Thank you. It was a difficult one to write, for me. Tomorrow's post is even more difficult, writing on the HHS decision to force Catholic institutions to provide contraceptives and abortifactants.

    Best wishes,
