Thursday, May 17, 2018

Citizens vs Subjects

I hate to do this to you, but Kurt Schlichter does have a way with words, and his piece at today is one of his best.  In the article, Schlichter asks the question nobody else seems to: Why Do Liberals Think We are Morally Obligated to Die to Make Them Happy? One does have to wonder. Schlichter:
Look at guns. Normals like guns. They like having them. They like shooting them. And they especially like how their having guns can prevent criminals and tyrants from murdering them. Except, liberals don’t like guns. They don’t like us having them. They don’t like us shooting them. And they don’t like us having guns to prevent criminals and tyrants from murdering us.
Now, this is where our liberal pals stop whining about STORMY COLLUSION EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE LOGAN ACT WAIT NOT LOGAN ACT BECAUSE KERRY VIOLATED IT MUELLER STORMY YEAH STORMY for a moment and start whining that they don’t really want us to be the victims of as-yet unpardoned felons/Democrat voters. But it is reasonable to assume that one intends the reasonably foreseeable consequences of one’s preferred policies, and the reasonably foreseeable consequence of Normals being unable to defend themselves is Normals getting robbed, raped, and/or murdered.
Which is a risk liberals are happy to take.
Kurt is right of course. Liberals (read totalitarians) don't car about us, or our lives. What the care about is having the power to force you and me to live as they desire. We don't spend our money on the things THEY think we should, and we don't live our lives as THEY think we should. We shouldn't be so superstitious as to believe in a Creator who sent his only begotten Son do die for us. So, clearly, they have to have a monopoly of force to MAKE you.

They want to call you a citizen, let you vote of things that don't really matter, like who the winner of the "Voice" will be, but really you will be subject to whatever the latest totalitarian fad will be. That is the meaning, by the way, of being subjects. This is what the people living in monarchies were, and are: subjects.  That is what most of the world is, subjects.  Our Founders had a different idea of Americans.  Americans were to be citizens in the truest sense of the word. 

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