Thursday, May 3, 2018

So, Global Warming Hoax was a Communist Plot

I can't say I am surprised.

I can still recall the day I was assigned by my boss at the Naval Facilities Engineering Command to sit in on the conference that would determine the Navy's position when Al Gore went to Kyoto to sign the Second Assessment Report and put the United States into the Global Warming camp.  I asked my boss why he wanted me to do it since goofball wormening was an attempt to bring U. S. industrial output down to European levels.  My boss was not amused.  ( I suspect most of the people in the Navy recognized that fact, but unlike me, would never be so politically incorrect as to say so out loud.)  I carried the global warming "expert" portfolio for the rest of my time at NAVFAC.  Naturally, I learned all I could about this insane idea that had so captured the minds of supposedly intelligent people.  I never changed my belief that this was a scheme hatched in Europe to hobble American industry.  Now I read at the American Thinker in a piece by David Archibald at Someone Send the Coal People the Memo that:
The biggest and most successful communist disinformation campaign, with the intent of reducing Western industrial capacity, has been global warming. On June 24, 1988, self-confessed global warming scientist Michael Mann addressed a congressional committee and told them that "global warming has begun." His testimony was organized by Al Gore, who had arranged for the air-conditioning in the hearing room to be turned off for effect. Significantly, Mann's verbiage was transmitted live to a reception at the offices of the European Environment Bureau, funded by the E.U., in Brussels. Those attending in Brussels were told that this was the start of something big, and so it was.
But why were the Europeans in on Mann's testimony? Because they wanted to hobble U.S. industry. When communism fell apart in 1990, the benchmark for carbon dioxide emissions was set as those of 1990. Thus, it was easy for the Europeans to comply with the regulations they wanted to impose because power generation in formerly communist Europe had collapsed.
So I was apparently wrong, it was a Communist plot, but I was right that the entire scheme has been a plot to hobble our industry with rules and regulations designed to keep us from producing as fast and as economically as we could. I urge you to go read the entire thing. The latest twist is, of course, that the Chinese have taken over the part of the Warsaw Pact in furthering this scheme. The coal industry is of course going to China to sell them some rope with which to hang us. But one can not entirely blame them, when the United States has done everything in its power to put the coal industry out of business.  The time has come for us to acknowledge that man made global warming/cooling/ er... climate change scheme for the hoax it is and to repudiate it in no uncertain terms.  President Trump was right to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord.

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