Monday, November 15, 2021

Martin Luther King Would Be Rolling in His Grave

 Critical Race Theory, or CRT is racist.  We know this instinctively, because just as racism in the past divided mankind by skin color, and discriminated against those with darker skin colors, so too does CRT, only in reverse.Truth be told, that simple formula is at the heart of all the fine sounding words used to try and convince us that CRT is correct.  But like much of Leftist theory, it is not:

This is seen by some Critical Race Theorists as only just turn around, as fair play. What was done to those with brown or black skins must now be done to those deemed without color in order to balance the scales of justice. It is now just to tell little girls (and little boys, too) that they are inherently bad because their skin is seen as colorless.
At the American Thinker today, Fay Voshell has an excellent piece on the truth of CRT in an article entitled Persons Of No Color. She starts with a description of two manakins, one male and one female, with clear skin to show the inner workings of the male and female body.
The Smithsonian Museum, the American Louvre of unusual artifacts, has a collection of toys. One is a transparent plastic figure called "The Visible Woman." She has as her companion "The Visible Man." The see-through educational toys were designed to teach children about human anatomy.
Her point is that God does not see skin color, and in imitation of Him, neither should we. Martin Luther King had it right when he said that he hoped that one day we would judge each other not by the color of our skin, but be the content of our character. King would be rolling in his grave.

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