Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Father, command me what You will, and make me love your command

 Andrea Widburg, always a thoughtful columnist, has a slightly different take on the China issue in China's disasterous one child policy is finally starting to kick in. Widburg in turn points to a piece by Daniel Greenfield entitled Can Feminism Destroy China?

I've long known that China's one-child policy, which resulted in the abortion of up to 40 million female babies, was going to have far-reaching consequences. My assumption was that women would become more valuable and be better treated, but I didn't realize that their increased value might spell the beginning of the end of the Communist Party.
Greenfield, however, suggests that the massive demographic imbalance, with men far outnumbering women, paired with a rising yuppie class that's materialistic and creates women who have no interest in marriage and children, is causing a slo-mo collapse in China. This is true despite Xi Jinping's bluster and military expenditures.
You will want to read both articles. I still feel that China is dangerous, perhaps more so because the CCP may have trouble holding onto power. Under such conditions, it is not out of the question that China may strike out as a way to distract its people from problems at home. And while China's army may be huge, the fact is that it hasn't actually fought a war against a peer. But the U. S. military is not in great shape either.

One thing that is interesting is that the Chinese middle class has been shorn of faith, leaving them with no real purpose in life.  The same thing however, is happening in the United States.  Christians need to pray every day "Father, command me what You will, and make me love your command."

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