Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Unless we turn things around, it will only get worse.

J. B Shurk at the American Thinker today entitled The Opposite of Tyranny Is Not Democracy. Shurk is correct. It seems every member of the ruling class and their pupets in the media talks endlessly about "our democracy," which causes me to yell at the TV screen "It's a republic, not a democracy!" As Shurk points out, a democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner:

There will be a lot of discussion in the future about how formerly "free" countries became so totalitarian in their outlooks. By and large, they did so through a quiet linguistic sleight of hand that replaced the language of freedom with the language of democracy. For several hundred years, Westerners have fought first and foremost for freedom while pushing democratic forms of government as procedural mechanisms for keeping power in check. But freedom is not democracy, and until quite recently, most people understood this obvious truth. If you take a hundred people, and fifty-one of them can vote to close your business, how free can you possibly feel? What if they decree that you must pray each day to a framed picture of the "Great Fauci" hanging on the wall? How about if that slim majority decides you shouldn't be allowed to speak your mind and chooses to cut out your tongue instead? What happens when they vote to take away your property, burn your Bible, or chop off your head for backing the wrong leader? At some point, let's hope, even the most ardent defenders of "democracy" might come to the correct conclusion just before the guillotine's blade comes crashing down that inalienable rights and liberties are the true cornerstones of any free society. Without those, a simple majority can be every bit as bloody and unjust as even the worst tyrant. And when it's your head about to fall into the basket, you might very well prefer the benevolent dictator to the authoritarian democracy cheering on your demise.
With the administration keeping political prisoners of the January 6 political rally in solitary confinemnent in very bad conditions, one wonders how they can condemn Communist China or the Iranian regime? Where is their moral authority?  When people's livelyhoods, and thus their lives, are threatened because they refused to be injected with a substance, is there really any difference between the United States and any other tyranny? Once we could condemn the actions of tyrants as we did with the Nuremburg trials.  Could we do this today and not have the world laugh in our faces?

While our "elites" would deny it, our rights are actually inalienable, having been granted to us by our Creator, and no government has the right to deny them for any reason, even a pandemic. But the fact that new variants keep popping up just in time to extend the "pandemic" shows us that COVID has been blown out of proportion for the express purpose of restricting our rights and giving the elites more power. 

Of course, Shurk says all this and more much better than I can, so go read the whole article. And note well that unless we turn things around, it will only get worse.

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