Friday, January 6, 2023

Gun Safety Ghouls and Gun Free Zones

 D, Parker at the American Thinker today has a post stating that Gun free zones are antithetical to 'common sense' gun laws. Indeed, as Masaad Ayoob explains with steely eyed seriousness, gun free zones are the exact opposite of what anyone with any serious intent would impose to prevent mass murders. Gun free zones have been called many things. I have called them target rich killing zones. Ayoob calls them "hunting preserves for psychopaths. Think of it like this: If you were at war, would you advertise to the enemy where they could go to find a bunch of your soldiers unarmed and defenseless? If not, why not?  But this is what our legislatures do to innocent citizens daily.  That is what so called gun free zones do. But go watch Masad Ayoob's video on the Wilson Combat channel.

Speaking of Massad Ayoob:

He refers to these leftist insanity zones as a “hunting preserve for psychopathic murderers”, we use something similar in calling them massacre zones, but they certainly aren’t “gun-free” zones. The statistics show these are the places of choice for mass shootings.
Massacre zones attract mass murderers like flies to honey, after which the nation’s socialist media will swing into action. If the suspect meets the proper criteria to fit a certain agenda, media parrots then insist on publicizing every detail they possibly can about the alleged killer, for the sole reason that innocent people were murdered.
The media rewards mass murder with notoriety, then the same socialist media will be ‘surprised’ when this happens again within 13 days, by people who are often described as a “loner” or a societal “reject.”

I do not know whether the gun free zone idea was conceived out of naivete, or malice, but we have enough experience now to know that nowhere should be a gun free zone. There are some common sense places where guns should only be carried by law enforcement such as court buildings and jails. Even hospitals should not be gun free because the gang bangers and others sometimes admitted to emergency rooms will surely not obey such signs. See Make Your Own Gun Free Zone. Parker calls the people advocating for the various gun control schemes "gun safety ghouls." A good term for them, as these people routinely dancing in the blood of innocent victims, rush to the microphones to denounce guns as the cause of murders instead of the obvious persons who actually did the killing.

Please go read D. Parker's post and be sure to watch Masaad Ayoob's video.

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