Monday, January 30, 2023

Pray that God Steels The Supreme Court's Spine This Time

 I am still busy, but thought I would get in a post now and again. 

Joy Pullman at The Federalist has an article today entitled Supreme Court's Cowardice Allows Colorado To Keep Persecuting Christians. Pullman is referring to Jack Phillips, the baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding because to do so violated his Christian beliefs. Mr. Phillips would sell anything in his store to anybody. But of course, that wasn't good enough. They insisted he must bake a custom designed wedding cake.

The U.S. Constitution unmistakably protects not only the freedom of speech but also the freedom of Christian worship. The First Amendment, which the Supreme Court holds is now extended beyond Congress to state governments, is extremely clear: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.”
U.S. governments may not prohibit the free exercise of religion, nor the freedom of speech. On both these counts, Phillips’ rights are clear and ought to be secured by courts.
Instead, however, his natural human rights have been ceaselessly mutilated by not only the entire machinery of Colorado courts but also the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled in Phillips’ favor, yet in such a narrow ruling as to allow a venomous transgender activist to immediately haul him back into court after speciously demanding that Phillips bake a transgender celebration cake.
The whole world seems to have been taken over by Satan, and he won't let any corner of it rest, it seems.  Misery and death follow in the wake wherever he strikes next.  One hopes that God will send us holy shepards to lead us, and give the Supreme Court some steel in their collective spine to finally say that this is simply not allowed.

Keep in mind that the claims of any of the LBTQ++etc. people that they were "born that way" have never been proven. There is no evidence for a gene that makes people gay or transgender. Thus the whole notion that LGBTQ++etc. rights is the same as the other civil rights causes fails. A person may be born of a different race, or be born in a different country, or be born with disabilities. But people choose an LBTQ++etc. lifestyle. That is on them.


  1. I support any person who choses to follow their desire to live as a gender other than the one that they were biologically born as. However, as both an American who believes in the Constitution and as a Christian, I also believe in the right of a person to follow their own religious beliefs in their own lives, including the right to run their own private business the way that they choose to.
    If they are running a public business, such as the vendor for a court house or something like that, then perhaps they might have to follow some other rules. But a private business should not be forced to follow a governments rules. I don't know if there is any significance in the fact that the government charges the business tax money or not, but there might be.

  2. I do not believe LGBTQ++etc people should be discriminated against. At the same time, I do believe such people to be confused, which is sad, and deserving of our compassion, but the do not have a right to lash out against everyone else. Yes, they are free to continue in their delusions. What they are not free to do is to force another to acknowledge their delusions. Make sense?

