Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 The University of North Carolina (UNC) is a big deal here in the Mid-South, so it was a big deal when the UNC Board of Governors voted to ban Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) at UNC.  You can read the story by R. W. Trewyn entitled What? The University of North Carolina is banning DEI?:

Since the birth of affirmative action in the 1960s, universities have been the leading advocates and sacred sanctuary for the principles put forth.
Diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, is what affirmative action has devolved into today -- a totally biased, discriminatory practice now utilized throughout most employment sectors in America.
During hiring, promotion processes, and the like, equal opportunity that affirmative action touted has degenerated into DEI’s equal outcomes. The former expected job qualifications to be met; the latter does not.
Amazingly, the University of North Carolina (UNC) has just taken steps to eliminate DEI from campus mandates...
It's a short read, but it shows that the Devil is getting a little pushback.

Monday, February 27, 2023

A Time for Reflection

I was thinking about the notion that information is not lost in the universe. I don't pretend to understand the ideas involved in this theory, but it got me thinking not about physics but metaphysics. We are in the season of Lent, the 40 days before Easter in which we reflect on our lives, repent and try to do better.

In physics, the idea is that any physical process is theoretically reversible. For example, rust, also known as iron oxide can be reversed to elemental iron. Indeed, we routinely do so in a blast furnace. On the other hand, in metaphysics, when we die, God will review our lives and we will have to answer for everything we have done, and everything we have not done. God does not forget anything.  As Christians, we recognize that we have all fallen short of the glory of God that we were created to be. But Christ came into the world specifically to live the life that God intended, and thus become the innocent sacrifice for all our sins.  It is why we call him the Lamb of God, harking back to the ancient Israeli practice of sacrificing a lamb as atonement for sin.

Yesterday, Thomas Klocek had a great piece on Lent entitled A Time for Reflection about some of the things we are reflecting on. It may seem as if Christians should be morose at this time of year. Indeed, Garrison Keillor, on the "A Prarie Home Companion" said that "For Lutherans, every day is Lent" to great laughter. But actually, nothing could be further from the truth. We are joyful, especially in this season precisely because we look forward to Easter. Wouldn't you be excited to learn that someone so loved you that he deliberately provoked the Roman empire to crusify him to just save you?  I would, in fact I am.

klocek writes:
Christians around the world are embarking on the solemn season of Lent. This is a period for reflection, prayer, fasting, and repentance. For Catholics, it is part of the liturgical year, the cycle of feasts and celebrations, much like the cycle of feasts God instructed the Israelites to observe after He brought them out of Egypt. The liturgical year takes the faithful on a journey from the incarnation of Christ, God made man, the incarnate Word, through his life of preaching the kingdom of God with healing and parables, through His passion and the Cross and other key aspects of God’s revelation to His creation.
Living a meaningful Lent has become more difficult in recent times. The devil is clearly at work in the world. The devil’s whole existence is centered on separating us from God. Satan, in his pride and wanting to equate himself with God, split from God, rejecting God’s love. Christians are assaulted at every turn. The secular world has become evil. Not only does it fight against God, it tries to make everyone (except perhaps Muslims) bow down to its altar of self and its sacraments of abortion, transgenderism, gay pride, and gay marriage, all contrary to God’s will and His love for us.
I can't disagree with Klocek's basic point that the world is evil. But it has been evil all along. What Klocek is talking about is the recent re-emergence of ancient evils that Christians fought against for the last 2 millenia. Before Christ, life was cheap, brutal and short. The Devil is on the march, infiltrating every cultural institution in society. One by one, these institutions have become to espouse ideas that are opposide the principles they have before espoused. Even the Church has been infiltrated at the highest levels. Of course, the Church will stand. The Devil can only do whatever damage God allows. He is in total control. Understanding this, it behooves the faithful to resist the Devil's work, and I see this happening more and more.
Organizations like Pew Research repeatedly report that those who believe in God, pray regularly, and try to follow God’s laws are happier, more stable, and have less despair. With this information available to all, I find it difficult to understand why people continue to immerse themselves in depression and resist turning to God. Part of it is because we humans think we are self-sufficient, that we can do everything ourselves. But we can’t. We can do nothing without God. This is what it means to surrender to God, to acknowledge that without him we are dust. “Return to the Most High and turn away from iniquity. Know the justice and the judgments of God... in prayer to God, the Almighty.” (Sir 17:26)
So, when you see your neighbors who are Catholics walking around with ashes on their foreheads, recall that this is a time for you to think about yourselves and your smallness before God. Turn away from the ways of this evil world. Fight for what is good. Part of loving your neighbor is to encourage him to do what is right and good. Warning the sinner is an act of mercy. Christians want everyone to get to heaven and so we encourage them to turn away from sin. Trying to deny that things like abortion and transgenderism are sins doesn’t alter the fact that they are. Stand up and fight.
It is a time to look inward at our relationship with ourselves, with God and with our neighbors. We do this by renewing our efforts to increase the virtues of faith, hope, and charity in ourselves and our daily lives. It is characterized by Jesus’s words in the Gospel of Mark, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel.” Mk 1:14-15

Monday, February 20, 2023

Cautiously Hopeful

At the American Thinker today, Paul Dowling reports that SCOTUS will reconsider the Brunson case. You can read more at the linked article.
After the Supreme Court of the United States initially declined to hear Brunson v. Adams on January 9, 2023, the Court has announced a change of heart, saying that it will reconsider the legal claim that failure to investigate fraud in the 2020 presidential election -- despite a request to do so made by 154 members of Congress -- constitutes unconstitutional oath-breaking by congressional members who refused to look into the matter. Raland Brunson’s petition for a rehearing argues that oaths of office are binding and that, because of this fact, there has to be a penalty exacted upon each member of Congress who refused to honor his or her oath to protect the Constitution.
Brunson argues that the rigging of an election, if true, constitutes an act of war. Those who took an oath of office had an obligation to investigate whether such an act was committed.
In his most recent petition for redress of grievances, Raland Brunson puts the following question before the Court: “If one of the purposes of war is to put into power its victor, and since a rigged election accomplishes the same thing, which is to put into power its victor, then isn’t a rigged election an act of war?”

I am cautiouly hopeful that the Supreme Court may not only take up the Brunsen case, but that something may come of it. Too many in government take an oath to defend and protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, but then ignore that oath when actually governing. Many of us remember when then Chairman of the Judiciary Committee John Conyer cited a nonexistent clause in the Constitution he called the good and welfare clause.  To show such disdain for the highest law in the land except for the Bible itself is shocking

What the penalty for such abuse, and the mechanism for enforcing it may be one reason the Court did not take it up the first time.  But the fact that the Court may be opening a can of worms should not be a reason not to try to fix what is clearly broken.

Update: Once again the Supreme Court disappoints once again.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

A Joyful Warrior

 Yesterday, at the American Thinker J. B. Shurk had an excellent piece entitled Make Being a "Joyful Warrior" A Personal Calling. There are many reasons for doing so. first is, of course, that there is only a limited effect you might have on the sitation today. Being a joyful warrior is certainly better than being a debby downer. Being a joyful warrior not only keeps his own spirits up, but builds the spirits of potential allies around him, and makes those oppressing us quite irritated. But the most imporant reason is spiritual-that God wants us to be joyful while resisting the evil around us.

The best way to remain joyful is to constantly ask the BIG Questions. You know the ones:

Perhaps the most difficult thing in life is finding genuine contentment. We set goals for ourselves, we strive to reach them, and when we do, any momentary happiness goes poof awfully quickly, as we seek and set new goals once again. At some point, even the most driven and ambitious among us will wonder, "What am I doing, and why am I doing it?"
That is a good thing. I don't have much figured out about this life, but I do believe we are meant to constantly ask ourselves the big questions: Why am I here? What is the point of our existence? Are there lessons I am supposed to learn along the way? What comes next?
The funny thing about asking big questions is that doing so tends to put all the things in life that ordinarily drag us down into startling perspective. It is only natural to get upset about domestic politics, higher fuel and food prices, growing censorship, and encroaching State tyranny. It is much more difficult to rise above those problems and keep trudging ahead. Eventually, all the turmoil either gets the better of us, or we realize that the turmoil — no matter how large in scope — still pales in comparison to the meaning of life. When you think in terms of why am I here and what am I meant to do, well, the terrible things around us start to look more like opportunities than problems.
Asking the big questions puts everthing in life in perspective. Suddenly one sees one's own problems as not so overwhelming. But more importantly, as Christians, our purpose in this world is to resist the evil one. And what is more effective in resisting the eveil one than joyfully going about your life while resisting him and all his works.
Experiencing joy connects us with the divine. We become acutely aware that we are both part of something much bigger than ourselves, as well as singularly in charge of our fates. Joyfulness clears out the clutter that keeps us from seeing truth clearly. It is a path toward inner peace. One breath at a time, recognize your life as something more than just a collection of days. Once you find joy and learn to guard it from the outside world, then problems look much different and sometimes melt away.
I have quite explicitly stated that our purpose here on earth is to by Christ's army poking the Evil one in the eye at every turn through our individual gifts and telents. Shurk surely sees the same thing, for he notes that the Left's obsession with not just lying to us, but attempting to force everyone else to tell the lie is a evidence tha the Devil is behind the Left:
Most atheists I've met describe their understanding of existence in one of two ways: either as the mathematically preordained result of deterministic events or as the strange conclusion of a long string of random occurrences. Either the laws of physics determined that roughly 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang we would all be sitting around reading American Thinker together, or the unpredictable chaos of the universe took one wacky turn after the next until stumbling into our present reality. Either way, neither random chaos nor mathematical determinism leaves much room for notions of free will or a sacred understanding of life.
Since atheism is far more prevalent among political leftists, it seems counterintuitive that they get so angry when they do not get their way. I always think, "If there is no God and free will is imaginary, then why is it so imperative that the left's worldview be imposed on everyone else? If life is no different than a pile of rocks and our choices are nothing more than complex math equations, then why can't leftists stand back and accept the world as it unfolds?" Just as there never seem to be any atheists in a foxhole, there never seem to be any leftists inclined to forfeit the exercise of their own free will — especially when doing so would sacrifice their control over everyone else.
In closing, Shurk notes:
When we refuse to abide the will of powerful interests and instead ask the big, important questions in life, we make those with power feel uncomfortably small. We connect to things much larger than ourselves. We place ourselves on a path toward finding authentic joy. We open our lives to the helping hands of God. One breath at a time, one choice at a time, an amazing thing happens when you put yourself in His hands: the powers that be here on Earth become astonishingly weak.
Remember to irritate a leftist by being a joyful warrior.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

 Everybody seems to wants to do someone else's job while ignoring his own.  For example, Joe Biden clams to have put thousands of cops on the streets.  But as president, that is not his job.  Nor is it the job of the Congress; it is the job ofthe states and localities.  On the other hand, what is his job, keeping millions of illegal immigrants from crosssing the Southern border, is something he doesn't want to do.  The Constitution has been so violated, confused, and mutilated that most Americans don't know when it is being violated.  But a brief version of how this came bo be can be found in How The Administrative State Subverts The Constitution by Janet Levy at the American Thinker

The House of Representatives on February 2 passed a bill — H. Con. Res. 9 — opposing the "implementation of socialist policies" and "denouncing socialism in all its forms." More than a hundred Democrats joined Republicans in a 327-86 vote on the bill, fittingly sponsored by Maria Salazar (R-Fla.), daughter of exiles from Fidel Castro's Cuba. Fittingly, too, the bill quoted President James Madison, the father of the Constitution, who wrote that the United States "was founded on the belief in the sanctity of the individual, to which the collectivistic system of socialism in all of its forms is fundamentally and necessarily opposed."
How did Marxist ideology gain ground in the proud home of individual liberty? From a representative government beholden to "we the people" and committed to guarding our constitutional rights, how did we get to a government that tells citizens what they can and cannot do, all in the name of the public good?
Trust Us, a new film from the Pacific Legal Foundation, is an excellent chronicle of the socialist seduction of America over 100 years. It traces the implementation of progressive policies from the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, who believed in proactive, expansive government, to the present-day regulatory environment, where unelected, unaccountable "experts" decide on everything from health care to privacy.
Much of Levy's remaining article regurgitates what the movie "Trust Us" told us. She does note that these experts were self serving and incredibly arrogant. In this regard, they are like their modern counterparts. Their hubris knows no bounds, and time and time again they are proven to know far less than they think, and to be less intellegent than they believe themselves to be.

What we need to do to correct this nightmare is to require that Congress make the laws...all of them. The executive can enforce the laws, but can not either make the laws nor adjudicate them. the other thing is that agencies such as the Department of Education should be abolished. Education is not a one of the powers vested in the Congress under the Constitution. There may be other things we can do as well to get back to operating as the Founders envisioned. the other thing we need to realize is that there is no need to have one size fits all nationwide. We were better when there were 50 laboratories of democracy.

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Friday, February 10, 2023

The FBI's Latest Target: Traditionalist Catholics

 I am not a Catholic, but I do follow what happens in the Roman Catholic Church, if for no other reason than the fact that it is the largest Christian church in the world.  Thus, it was disturbing to learn that the FBI is going after 'radical traditionalist catholics', according to Monica Showalter at the American Thinker.

An FBI whistleblower has released an internal FBI document from the agency's Richmond office, showing that the FBI is out to gather intelligence on a subset of Catholic Latin Mass lovers that they call "radical Catholic traditionalists," based on claims, possibly scurrilous, that they are nests of anti-semitism and "white supremacy" in need of government surveillance.
According to Kyle Seraphin, the former FBI agent-turned-whistleblower:
The FBI’s Richmond Division would like to protect Virginians from the threat of “white supremacy,” which it believes has found a home within Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass. An intelligence analyst within the Richmond Field Office of the FBI released in a new finished intelligence product dated January 23, 2023, on Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists (RMVE) and their interests in “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” or RTCs. The document assesses with “high confidence” the FBI can mitigate the threat of Radical-Traditionalist Catholics by recruiting sources within the Catholic Church.
The acronym, new to many in the Domestic Counterterrorism field, comes with a footnote by the writer explaining RTCs are “typically characterized by the rejection of the Second Vatican Council.” The writer makes an unsubstantiated leap that a preference for the Catholic Mass in Latin instead of the vernacular and a number of more traditional views on other world religions can amount to an “adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and white supremacist ideology.”
Mitigate the threat? What threat? There was no proof of anti-semitism cited. It's about people who like to go to Latin Mass. Don't like it, don't go to one.

Showalter goes on to discuss that notion that there are not enough tradionalists who oppose Vatican II to matter. I personally suspect there are more tradtionalist catholics thatnShowalter lets on. But this is all inside baseball and is beside the point. It is not the business of the government to interfere in the internal business of any church. After all, wasn't there this statement in the Constitution that " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." And since the FBI was created by Congress, it is under the same prohibition. For crying out loud, the FBI doesn't have any problem with the Church of Satan.  But maybe that is the point.

What this is really about, I think is the fact that the Catholic Church, and especially traditionalist catholics are anti-abortion. The Democrats are pro-abortion. 'Nough said.

Update: At The Federalist FBI Retracts Memo Labeling Traditional Catholics ‘Violent White Supremacists,’ Pushing Infiltration Of Christian Communities by Evita Duffy-Alfonso. Here's the money quote:

“The government right now is the one that our founders feared,” said Voris. Indeed, the FBI report justifies surveilling private citizens’ social media and infiltrating their religious communities without providing any legitimate or serious evidence for how they pose a “violent” threat. The only crimes the FBI field office could identify were thought crimes.
The Richmond bureau mentions surveilling Catholics’ response to “immigration, affirmative action, and LGBTQ protections,” things that under the First Amendment, Catholics are allowed to protest and reject.
Traditional Catholics are not white supremacists. Even if they were, racist viewpoints are protected under the First Amendment. The “groypers,” or the “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremist” group that the FBI is so focused on, also have a right under the Constitution to think and say whatever they want—so long as they aren’t violent. The entire report is an affront to constitutional rights and yet another reminder that the FBI is becoming nothing more than the intimidation and enforcement arm of the extremist Democratic Party.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Reparations From Leftists

 Kurt Schlichter is a lawyer, and so thinks like a lawyer.  He points out that We Deserve Reparations From Stupid People, and by "stupid people" he is referring to Leftists.  I have shouted "no" in every way I know how.  But Schlichter, thinking like a lawyer says we should counter sue, and ask for reparations for their constant demands for reparations.

Let’s be clear about the nature of “reparations” – it’s morally illiterate nonsense pushed by creeps and subscribed to by the greedy and/or stupid. The idea that some people should get free money today from other people based on their race is a moral atrocity so total and unambiguous that it could only be wholeheartedly embraced by the kind of morons and charlatans who make up America’s left. There should be no “conversation” about reparations, only a looming middle finger demonstrating our refusal to accept the premise that this is worthy of consideration by decent folk.
Michael Corleone said it best to Senator Pat Geary in “Godfather II” “My offer is this. Nothing.” There’s no debate, no room for some compromise in which people who committed no wrong except for the misfortune of being born with currently unfashionable genes give the fruit of their time and labor to other people with currently fashionable genes as penance from crimes that the former did not commit and that the latter did not suffer. They get nothing. Not a penny. Not even an apology. No one alive today did wrong to anyone alive today. It’s ritual abasement and humiliation and we are not playing that. Blood guilt is a disgusting and primitive notion we will have no part of.
Of course, there are some people besides the progs, race hustlers, and suckers who think their reparations check is in the mail who love the idea. It’s the KKK types, the kind of mouth-breathers who would join that Democrat-founded organization. A real racist loves the idea of separating people by race and making good people suffer because of it. That generates hate and resentment, upon which these parasites thrive. If you want to promote racism – and many of these race card counters seem entirely committed to doing so – you would want to punish innocent people because of their skin color in favor of other people of a different skin color. What better way to promote dissention and resentment? The best thing that ever happened to the relatively few actual racists out there was white liberals and their idiotic ideas.

One thing that the perpetually complaining set forget is that they should be grateful. Admitedly their ancestors were treated brutally if they indeed came as slaves, and many came quite willingly. But a lot of immigrants from Europe were also treated brutally. However, the people demanding reparations are some of the richest people to ever live, as are we all.. I certainly am grateful that my ancestors moved from Northern Europe, England and Ireland, where life was brutal and short and came to American for a better life. Oh, and they didn't own slaves.  Like most of the people who fought for the South, if they had been here, they would have been too poor to own a slave.

Another thing that frosts me is the notion that this country was built by slaves. Does this picture of iron workers who built the Empire State Building look like slaves? In fact, America wasn't built by slaves, though their decendants did help to build America. After the Civil War, they filled a number of jobs, including defense of the country, law enforcement, scientific research, and, well, everything in between, just like the rest of us. Please read Schlichter's article. As usual his writing is sarcastic, yet he is right on target.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The only cure for wokeism is to turn to God

At The Federalist today, Victoria Marshall has a piece entitled In A Culture Full Of Sam Smiths, Christianity Is The Real Subversion. The topic was also covered by Monica Showalter at The American Thinker very well, but I will concentrate on Marshalls article today. If you want to see an embedded version of Smith's disgusting performance, go to Showalter's piece.

If you are like me, your parents were raised during the Great Depression, when the average person struggled to survive. Then they were thrust into World War II, all of which must have seemed like the End Times to them. A significant majority were one stripe of another of Christian. Though the Devil was seeping into every cultural institution, as detailed in the book by Paul Kengor and Mary Nicholas, entitled  The Devil and Bella Dodd, most people were unaware of it, being preoccupied with living their own lives.

Teens growing up in this era, doing what teens do and rebelling, often struck poses as atheists or agnostics. The music of the 1960s often shocked our parents, though today I find it shallow, a bit maudlin, and not very interesting. The problem with people who grew up during this time was that they never really grew up. We enjoyed the Pax Americana, which allowed us the luxury of looking to ourselves rather than depending on God. We saw ourselves as masters of the universe: who needs a God. An example is the conceit that we can control the climate and stop global warming. The facts however, which nobody wants to admit, is that we control nothing. The climate warms and it cools, and there is nothing we can do about it, thank God.

Today, many American's believe things that are untrue, and if they would crack the good Book, they would discover that people already knew these things thousands of years ago.  Like the fact that there are only two sexes, and one can not change sex by wishing it so, praise be to God.  Things like the fact that God created man in his own image, and therefore we should stop concentrating on superficial things like race and concentrate more on character. Amen.

So it is that Lucifer has seemingly taken over the whole of our culture. As Marshall writes:
Hollywood is in desperate need of new ideas. Take Sunday’s Grammy Awards, for example. If there were ever a spectacle that could simultaneously be described as demonic and trite, it would be Sam Smith’s performance of “Unholy,” which rang the final death knell for the satanic-ritual-as-art trope.
Modern American culture has become a willing collaborator to the arts world — from Hollywood to the Oval Office, from TikTok to the public school classroom — thanks to the ascendancy of leftist orthodoxy in cultural and political institutions. Art can no longer be subversive once the political and broader media establishments espouse its values, whether those be sexual perversion or anti-religious bigotry.
Thus art has ceased to be interesting or subversive. Instead, the arts world and the establishment have merged — First Lady Jill Biden presented at the award show after all — producing mediocre content according to its tastes. If art wants to become subversive again, it must reject the values most prized by our modern culture. It must discard the idols of the left, from sexual deviancy to bitter racism. It must trash wokeness. Until it comes up with a fresh message, expect a continued mass exodus.
Reactionaries who really want to buck establishment tastes are congregating not in an art museum or mosh pit — but, ironically, at church...
Marshall's point is that to be rebellious today is to be Christian. I can't help but agree. But if one has studied history, one will find that being Christian has always been rebellious. Christ's preaching went so far against the Jewish leaders of the day that he was crucified. His Apostles also died brutal deaths for His sake. So it was with the many martyrs and not a few saints of the Church.  The world despises the Truth.  It has ever been since Eve bit the apple.

The only cure for wokeism is a return to Christianity.  Can I get an Amen?

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Crimes Against Humanity?

Monica Showalter at the American Thinker asks Pfertilitygate? Could the COVID vacccine be causing mass infertility? A study by the National Institute of Health finds that 40.2% of women find that their menstrual cycles have changed since taking the vaccine. We know that both Bill Gates and the head of Pfize have claimed that the world is overpopulated. So, it is not unreasonable to ask if making women sterile was the real purpose of the mRNA vaccines?

Showalter provides tweets from various people. I recognize Dr. Robert Malone. He was an inventor if mRNA and was concerned about Pfizer's use of it from the start. I also recognize Project Veritas. I don't recognize the Vigilant Fox. In any case, you should read these tweets. I won't reproduce them here. Showalter goes on to note:

So Pfizer knew about the potential for rendering those who take its COVID shot sterile, and did nothing, and the evidence is mounting that the mRNA vaccine's RNA nanoparticles hovers in the reproductive systems with high potential for rendering women and the babies they may be carrying sterile. And 42% of women report that there has been disruption of their menstrual cycles as a result of taking the vaccine which was mandatory if they expected to be able to perform normal activities such as working or flying a plane.
That is one heck of a disturbing story which isn't getting much press coverage. One reason it may not be is that the story is depressing.
So, the truth comes out. Is anyone else feeling like a crimes against humanity trial may be in order for some of these ghouls?

Friday, February 3, 2023

Though we can not escape original sin does not mean we should not fight against it.

 J. B. Shurk has an article today at the American Thinker entitled Jiggery-Pokery Wokery in which he uses the Scottish term jiggery-pokery for dishonest behavior to describe what has come to be the term woke. It is a good pairing because to be woke is to be deceptive, dishonest, and to evade reality. When you and everyone around you recognize that this woke business is jiggery-pokery, one also has to wonder why it seems to be taking over the whole world? No doubt the term jiggery-pokery sounds silly, and thus seems the perfect adjective for what has become wokeism, but as Shurk notes:

Yet it is not silly, is it? As amusing and bemusing as its zealous adherents appear, their devotion to wokeism's edicts (I won't call them "principles") is deadly serious. Any small business–owner who has had the misfortune of struggling to earn a living near the scene of some perceived injustice providing the pretense for Antifa and Black Lives Matter arsonists to unleash a new criminal campaign of burning, looting, and murdering in the name of "justice," knows that once the woke go berserker, no innocent person or private property is safe. The woke love to destroy whatever they touch — culture, infrastructure, social cohesion, rational thought. To be woke is to embrace chaos and injury as a philosophy.

Shurk then goes into a litany of destructive ideas and ideologies that make up the woke "thought" processes. All of these woke notions contradict reality and common sense, and one suspects that getting people to parrot things they know, deep down, are lies is the whole point. One wonders why people don't realize that they can go outside, see the world as it really is, and realize they are being lied to?  Indeed, it seems as if it is actually a mass psychosis.

If deception, violence, and obedience are all part of the woke creed, then contradiction is its life-force. Black lives matter, but all lives do not. Racism is abhorrent, but defining people first and foremost by their race is somehow just. Engaging in stereotypes unjustly blames all members of a group for the actions of a lone individual, but white people alive today must be forced to pay for the crimes of people who not only lived centuries ago, but also are not likely blood-related ancestors. When all people are treated equally, white supremacy wins. Equity demands that we destroy systemic racism by systematically dividing the races and treating them differently. The less white someone is, the more deserving of special privileges — unless that person has Asian ancestry, which necessarily requires discriminatory punishment when decisions about college admissions and job hiring are made.
Women should be protected from an inherently sexist society, unless their mothers choose to abort them. Black Americans should be protected from an inherently racist society, unless their mothers choose to abort them. Parents should have no say over what schools teach their children but complete say over whether their children are aborted. Men have no right to an opinion about abortion since they cannot physically become pregnant, yet anyone who claims that men cannot become pregnant is horrendously transphobic. Menstrual products should also be placed in all men's restrooms. Again, science demands it.
Hydrocarbon energies are bad for the environment, but mining for the rare earth elements needed for electric vehicle batteries, covering endless hectares of land with solar panels, and dotting the skyline with giant fan blades that routinely kill flocks of birds are all environmentally friendly. Fair wages are essential, yet African and Chinese slave labor should be ignored. Using coal and natural gas is dastardly, yet recharging electric vehicles with power generated from coal and natural gas is ingenious. Extreme cold kills far more people than extreme heat, yet we must obsess over global warming. The cycles of the sun, the rotation of Earth's magnetic core, ocean currents, geothermal activity, and the shifting magnetosphere all directly alter the Earth's climate, but man alone must be held responsible for changes in the weather.
Destroying Western economies by eliminating their relatively inexpensive use of hydrocarbon energies will somehow save the planet, even while the globe's most populous developing nations refuse to follow the West's economic suicide. Forcing impractical green solutions that increase the cost of living for everyone alive today means that more and more people will suffer from poverty and famine, yet killing people alive today is somehow preferable to risking the lives of future humans who have not yet been born (unless the unborn human is an "unwanted pregnancy"). If "kill today to save tomorrow" policies are not ludicrously woke, then nothing else is.

Shurk points out that jiggery-pokery wokery acts as both a religion and an elaborate con. This insight is the dead give away to the origin of wokeism. It is nothing less that the snake in the Garden of Eden convincing Adam and Eve that if they eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they will be like gods. It is this temptation to be like gods, indeed to take the place of God himself and sit on His thown, that is at the root of jiggery-pokery wokery. Everyone has this temptation. But though we can not escape original sin does not mean we should not fight against it.

Deciding what to quote from this article is nearly impossible because one wants to quote the whole thing. That violates the fair use doctrine, but Shurk has packed this article tightly with information you should understand if you don't want to fall into the woke trap. So go read the article yourself.