Saturday, February 11, 2023

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

 Everybody seems to wants to do someone else's job while ignoring his own.  For example, Joe Biden clams to have put thousands of cops on the streets.  But as president, that is not his job.  Nor is it the job of the Congress; it is the job ofthe states and localities.  On the other hand, what is his job, keeping millions of illegal immigrants from crosssing the Southern border, is something he doesn't want to do.  The Constitution has been so violated, confused, and mutilated that most Americans don't know when it is being violated.  But a brief version of how this came bo be can be found in How The Administrative State Subverts The Constitution by Janet Levy at the American Thinker

The House of Representatives on February 2 passed a bill — H. Con. Res. 9 — opposing the "implementation of socialist policies" and "denouncing socialism in all its forms." More than a hundred Democrats joined Republicans in a 327-86 vote on the bill, fittingly sponsored by Maria Salazar (R-Fla.), daughter of exiles from Fidel Castro's Cuba. Fittingly, too, the bill quoted President James Madison, the father of the Constitution, who wrote that the United States "was founded on the belief in the sanctity of the individual, to which the collectivistic system of socialism in all of its forms is fundamentally and necessarily opposed."
How did Marxist ideology gain ground in the proud home of individual liberty? From a representative government beholden to "we the people" and committed to guarding our constitutional rights, how did we get to a government that tells citizens what they can and cannot do, all in the name of the public good?
Trust Us, a new film from the Pacific Legal Foundation, is an excellent chronicle of the socialist seduction of America over 100 years. It traces the implementation of progressive policies from the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, who believed in proactive, expansive government, to the present-day regulatory environment, where unelected, unaccountable "experts" decide on everything from health care to privacy.
Much of Levy's remaining article regurgitates what the movie "Trust Us" told us. She does note that these experts were self serving and incredibly arrogant. In this regard, they are like their modern counterparts. Their hubris knows no bounds, and time and time again they are proven to know far less than they think, and to be less intellegent than they believe themselves to be.

What we need to do to correct this nightmare is to require that Congress make the laws...all of them. The executive can enforce the laws, but can not either make the laws nor adjudicate them. the other thing is that agencies such as the Department of Education should be abolished. Education is not a one of the powers vested in the Congress under the Constitution. There may be other things we can do as well to get back to operating as the Founders envisioned. the other thing we need to realize is that there is no need to have one size fits all nationwide. We were better when there were 50 laboratories of democracy.

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

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