Thursday, February 9, 2023

Reparations From Leftists

 Kurt Schlichter is a lawyer, and so thinks like a lawyer.  He points out that We Deserve Reparations From Stupid People, and by "stupid people" he is referring to Leftists.  I have shouted "no" in every way I know how.  But Schlichter, thinking like a lawyer says we should counter sue, and ask for reparations for their constant demands for reparations.

Let’s be clear about the nature of “reparations” – it’s morally illiterate nonsense pushed by creeps and subscribed to by the greedy and/or stupid. The idea that some people should get free money today from other people based on their race is a moral atrocity so total and unambiguous that it could only be wholeheartedly embraced by the kind of morons and charlatans who make up America’s left. There should be no “conversation” about reparations, only a looming middle finger demonstrating our refusal to accept the premise that this is worthy of consideration by decent folk.
Michael Corleone said it best to Senator Pat Geary in “Godfather II” “My offer is this. Nothing.” There’s no debate, no room for some compromise in which people who committed no wrong except for the misfortune of being born with currently unfashionable genes give the fruit of their time and labor to other people with currently fashionable genes as penance from crimes that the former did not commit and that the latter did not suffer. They get nothing. Not a penny. Not even an apology. No one alive today did wrong to anyone alive today. It’s ritual abasement and humiliation and we are not playing that. Blood guilt is a disgusting and primitive notion we will have no part of.
Of course, there are some people besides the progs, race hustlers, and suckers who think their reparations check is in the mail who love the idea. It’s the KKK types, the kind of mouth-breathers who would join that Democrat-founded organization. A real racist loves the idea of separating people by race and making good people suffer because of it. That generates hate and resentment, upon which these parasites thrive. If you want to promote racism – and many of these race card counters seem entirely committed to doing so – you would want to punish innocent people because of their skin color in favor of other people of a different skin color. What better way to promote dissention and resentment? The best thing that ever happened to the relatively few actual racists out there was white liberals and their idiotic ideas.

One thing that the perpetually complaining set forget is that they should be grateful. Admitedly their ancestors were treated brutally if they indeed came as slaves, and many came quite willingly. But a lot of immigrants from Europe were also treated brutally. However, the people demanding reparations are some of the richest people to ever live, as are we all.. I certainly am grateful that my ancestors moved from Northern Europe, England and Ireland, where life was brutal and short and came to American for a better life. Oh, and they didn't own slaves.  Like most of the people who fought for the South, if they had been here, they would have been too poor to own a slave.

Another thing that frosts me is the notion that this country was built by slaves. Does this picture of iron workers who built the Empire State Building look like slaves? In fact, America wasn't built by slaves, though their decendants did help to build America. After the Civil War, they filled a number of jobs, including defense of the country, law enforcement, scientific research, and, well, everything in between, just like the rest of us. Please read Schlichter's article. As usual his writing is sarcastic, yet he is right on target.

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