Monday, March 6, 2023

Three Today, While I Go To the Range

 I have several posts, which should keep gentle readers busy while I go to the range today.  It has been a while, as I have been busy with other things.  But as they say, shooting is a perishable skill.  I should not neglect it.

First up is a piece at by Rachel Alexander entitled Why Judges Won't Rule There Was Voter Disenfranchisement When It Happens To Republicans. I have wondered why judges who are appointed for life are so cowardly. Of course, witnessing the firestorm unleashed by the Left over the ruling overturning Roe gives one pause. After all, the Court merely turned the abortion question back to the states, they didn't outlaw it.  No state has yet completely outlawed it, though some have placed heavy restrictions on when it is permissable.  We should not be doing it at all, but for our hard hearts.

As Arizona experiences a repeat of the 2020 election, where MAGA candidates allegedly lost to poor Democratic candidates like Katie Hobbs who refused to debate, some are turning on the MAGA candidates and blaming them instead of election fraud. The candidates’ lawsuits are predictably going nowhere, as judges throw them out for supposed “lack of evidence” or narrow technical reasons such as “lack of standing.” The judges pretend that witness testimony and affidavits don’t constitute evidence, but every first year law school student learns that of the 11 sections of the traditional Rules of Evidence in law, an entire section, section 6, is devoted to witness testimony. Witness testimony throughout history has been the smoking gun in many cases; defendants have gone to the death penalty based on witness testimony alone.
But judges cannot rule in favor of election integrity when it helps Republicans because they are terrified of what the left will do to them and their careers. The type of person who becomes a judge is someone who isn’t looking for the spotlight; most judges go their entire careers with very few headlines about them. If you look their names up on the internet, you can rarely find anything about them. They have relatively quiet, peaceful lives outside the public eye, and they live well with generous salaries. Arizona Supreme Court justices make $159,685. U.S. Supreme Court justices make $268,300 ($280,500 for Chief Justice John Roberts). Many judges got their positions due to the establishment, and in order to keep those positions, they are beholden to the establishment. While the U.S. Supreme Court justices are mostly immune from this, there are other reasons that deter them. If they rule for Republicans on voter disenfranchisement, that is all they will be known for the rest of their lives; “election deniers” and “conspiracy theorists.” Their speaking engagements and book deals will dry up. A search for their names on the internet — thanks to left-wing Google and big tech’s biases — will turn up nothing but hateful MSM articles about them.

Alexander makes the point that Kari Lake's brief is probably the best of any of the recent cases about voter fraud. But it isn't enough. This situation clearly can not stand. It used to be that Republicans were attacked as not making their case to the people. Kari Lake made her case, and the people demonstrated they wanted what she was selling. Hobbs, on the other hand, like Biden and Fetterman, hid in the basement, refused to debate, and got (s)elected anyway. Lake claims to have been recently bribed by "powerful people" to get out of politics. Frankly, I believe she is probably right, and that is disturbing.

The Left clearly hates America, despises the founding of our country and its founding philosophy and dociments. When I say "the Left," I am not talking about specific parties. Surely the Democrat party has succumbed to the Left and seeks to destroy the United States as founded. But many Republicans do as well. One wonders, with all their wealth, why they don't just leave? If China is their current model of governance, why not go there? For that matter, Canada has become quite fascist as well, and at least they speak the same language. Such are the musings of D. Parker, at the American Thinker today in an article entitled If Leftist Hates America So Much, Why Don't They Leave? It's a good question, one that is seldom asked and never answered. Let me try though.

The Left knows that it is lying to the people. Oh, some are true believers, what Lennin called useful idiots. But those who are directing the work of the Left know full well that the what they tell everyone else is nothing but lies. Whether it is the LGBTQIA++ agenda, or the Critical Race Theory agenda, or Global Warming, er Cooling, er Climate Change agenda, or the renewable energy schtick, or the coddleing the criminals notion, it is all lies. Even the idea of redistributing the wealth and the notion of a guaranteed livable income whether one works or not...lies. But here's the thing, if they don't tear down the United States, the United States will continue to stand as a beacon to the rest of the world. While the U.S. stands, it does so as a rebuke to the Left. That is why they don't leave, why they instead do everything in their considerable power to tear it down.

So far we have been talking about "the Left." But what is the Left? The Left at its core is a religion, different from and in complete opposition to Christianity. That is the subject of Allen West's piece at today entitled The Disturbing Religion of the Left.

In case you have not noticed, something perverse and bizarre is happening in the United States of America right now. Last week's hearing and exchange between Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Attorney General Merrick Garland was telling. The progressive socialist left, as embodied in the Biden administration, and across the country, is purposefully and intentionally targeting those who profess, believe, and advocate on issues based upon their Judeo-Christian faith.

No doubt you thought the Left were all about politics. Yet they have been slowly targeting Christians for decades. The Devil and Bella Dodd by Mary Nichols and Paul Kengor details the struggles Bella Dodd went through to free herself from Communism and return to the Church  She was seduced by Communists and for years was a devout Communist in the early 20th century. She awoke to the lies of the Left, like Whittacker Chambers.  A Duck Duck Go search of "the war on christmas book" turns up a number of recent books about the Left targeting Christians and Christian holidays. But now, and against the Constitution, it has become government policy to target Christians and to drive us from the public square.

Why is this happening? West attempts to answer that question. It is because what we call the Left is a religion itself, an ancient religion that goes by many names with many 'gods,' such as Baal amd Moloch. It is Satanic, Luciferian. It is Evil itself. It lies and it murders. It always has, and its followers do the same.

Go read all three articles. Discuss among yourselves. I am going to the range.

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