Thursday, June 8, 2023

Remain Committed to Seeking Truth

 I have mentioned before that you and I, gentle readers, must remain committed to speaking the truth.  For to give in to the Left's redefinition of language and words is to become demoralized in the literal sense.  If we lose the truth, we lose our integrity.  Today, we have two articles dealing with the topic.

The first article is by Laura Hollis at entitled Truth Is The Foundation Of Our Nation. Hollis thesis is that man is corrupt from the start, and must cleave strongly to Godly principles, however short of the mark his efforts cause him to be. But of late, society seems to have given in to the Father of Lies:

In Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, the introduction of evil in the world starts with a lie. Satan tells the first humans that if they defy the express will of God, they "shall be like gods" themselves, something which is neither true nor possible. Whether one believes in the biblical story of creation as fact or sees it merely as allegory, the lesson is the same: at the heart of the worst human behaviors is the desire to be God, including the belief that the truth is whatever we declare it to be.
History is replete with examples, but a recent one is the transgender phenomenon. We find ourselves being told now by "experts" that men can become women and women can become men merely by declaring that they identify as such. Chromosomal biology, we're told, is irrelevant. Physical differences -- even in competitive sports -- are now deemed immaterial. Demands for fairness and the desire for privacy and safety -- in sports, in bathrooms, in locker rooms, even in prisons -- are no longer considered natural and normal but condemned as irrational "phobias" and expressions of hatred.
This is by no means the first lie that exalts human desire over scientific fact. The abortion movement has depended for decades on the falsehood that the developing child in utero is "just a clump of cells," "not a person," "not a baby." Despite advances in technology that enable us to see the developing child, including surgery in utero and 4D ultrasound, people still deny the humanity of the living human child in his or her mother's womb.
These falsehoods are born of another lie -- the oft-repeated belief that science and religion are antithetical to each other. Science and superstition may be, but science and religion, per se, are not. In fact, much of humanity's greatest technological -- not to mention artistic and literary -- advancements have been inspired by faith and achieved by believers.
In fact, attacks upon God inevitably become attacks upon science. Once the belief in an ultimate source of truth is abandoned, truth itself becomes malleable, dispensable; whatever one wants or needs to be for his or her personal aims.
While man has always been tempted with such lies, in recent decades they have become ever more pervasive. The unholy alliance between government, the media and Big Tech, and now people designated as "experts" who determine for us what is true and false have generated a monster that threatens to strangle the truth in its crib. It is here, where J. B. Shurk at the American Thinker takes us deeper into the lies and propaganda with his article entitled A Government At War With Its People.
Instead, ordinary information enjoyed and shared among regular people is now targeted for classification. An alliance of national governments, international institutions, and propaganda engines disguised as disinterested nonprofits has sprung up to toss "unacceptable" thoughts into garbage piles for "mis-," "mal-," and "dis-" information trash bins. As with everything else in modern society, the cult of expertise has even given us "disinformation experts" to decide what knowledge belongs where.
The small coterie of "disinformation experts" recognized and promoted by governments then monitor what the common people are saying among themselves, cast their nets around anything "unacceptable," and stigmatize those words and thoughts as deserving of censorship. Perhaps one day soon there will be academic degrees in "disinformation" or special licenses distinguishing State-approved professionals as qualified to tell the rest of us what is real. As a rule of thumb, if you want to know what kinds of knowledge governments fear their citizens possessing, look to the subjects that require numerous layers of authority validation before access is granted or titles are conferred. Now the knowledge that governments fear their citizens possessing is simply information outside their control.
Shurk, having fully stated his thesis, delves into the nature of truth, and praising those who seek the truth. As he points out, anyone can be mistaken on a topic, but if someone is dedicated to seeking the truth, he will over time come closer to the truth and abandon lies. But, what damage have the lies done to the fabric of our society? If as Hollis says, truth is the foundation of our nation, one would expect that our societal fabric is moth eaten.
This war directed against Americans' minds has been raging for quite some time. What is different today is its pace and brazenness. Lies about Russia collusion, COVID, vaccine effectiveness, climate change, Biden family corruption, impartial justice, biological sex, American history, border security, debt sustainability, crime rates, gun safety, banking solvency, military engagements, racial disparities, religious doctrine, Western civilization, childhood development, healthy obesity, government surveillance, hydrocarbon energy, human slavery, acclaimed literature, anthropology — no topic is off limits for those who manipulate the public for a living.
Increasingly, the question is not whether the government is lying, but rather how malicious its intentions are. Did bureaucrats mandate mRNA injections that were neither safe nor effective because they are bad at science? Because they needed an alarming reason to rig the 2020 election with mail-in ballots? As a means of rewarding pharmaceutical companies and the politicians they own with windfall profits? As an opportunity to accelerate the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset"? As a way to condition people to think of property, free speech, and personal liberty as "selfish" and instead submit to the national security surveillance State?
Are the climate change cultists committed to taking over farms and ending hydrocarbon fuels because they are too dumb to understand weather patterns, solar and geothermal energies, and chemistry? Because they are committed communists who believe in global government and command-and-control economies? Because they wish to induce instability and famine that will depopulate the planet?
Do extraterrestrial UFO stories confirm that the government has long covered up an important truth, or are they hoaxes meant to distract the public from something else?
Whew! If you read all the embedded articles, I know it will take quite a while to digest them all. But it is important to flush out the constant propaganda being put out by what I call the government-Big Tech-media complex. Much of it has to do with idea of bringing about a communist, one world government and whittling away the population. Both of these things are horribly misguided and evil. Whether they succeed only God knows. But each of us can resist, indeed throw some sand in the machine grinding us down, but telling the Truth.

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