Monica Showalter, at the American Thinker thinks she has happened upon the reason for our obesity epidemic in an article entitled So where'd America's obesity epidemic come from? Chef Andrew Gruel has a theory... Ms. Showalter goes on to expound on the Gruel theory that we don't teach home economics in the schools anymore. Which is true. I met my wife while working for the Navy department. We both worked for and retired from the civil service. She always said that what we needed was a wife. What she meant was that we didn't have time left to do the job that a wife formally performed of seeing to the home care and functioning. We could afford to eat out more often. Thus, we ate both more food, and richer food than we might normally have eaten. But we also ate many more carbohydrate laden foods than we would otherwise have eaten as well.
While I was in treatment for cancer, I was fed a diet that included more calories than I needed and was very high in carbohydrates. I put on easily 10 to 15 pounds while in the hospital for three weeks. I have since shed most of that excess weight by eating a carnivore diet, or as Dr. Ken Berry calls it, the Proper Human Diet. Dr. Berry along with others who have revived this style of eating have a lot of evidence that this is in fact the way humans ate for thousands of years before the agricultural revolution. Think about it; have you ever walked out in the woods and found food there for the picking? Most things, like berries, have relatively short seasons, and do not bear fruit over the long winters.
Now, a lot of claims have been made for the carnivore lifestyle. One is that it starves cancer. I will not make that claim. I will, however, say that if a person goes on it, he will, with some rare exceptions, lose weight, feel more energetic, and clear up a number of annoyances and disabilities caused by autoimmune diseases. Many skin diseases can be reversed without medication. Many cases of osteoarthritis can be reversed. Fatty liver can be cured. Diabetes in many cases can be reversed, though you can't cure it. I have personal experience with these claims that I make. Your mileage may vary, as they say.
Do you have to eat carnivore always? Well, no. Sometimes you can have a sweet potato as a treat. Or you can eat broccoli and asparagus on occasions. Everyone is different. Some people can eat heavy cream and cheeses and still lose weight. I find I cannot do that, though I keep some cream around for various reasons such as making an omelet.
Chef Andrew Gruel is onto something. We need to teach old fashioned home economics if for no other reason that if you can't do it yourself, how are you going to know if the people you hire are doing it correctly? The other half of that though is that we need to eat more meat and healthy vegetables, less grains and high carbohydrate foods like potatoes. And these need to be prepared at home where you can control the ingredients. A good rule of thumb is to only buy from the outside walls of the grocery stores and avoid the middle.
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