Saturday, March 15, 2025

Be Careful Of What You Wish

 Mike McDaniel has a post today at the American Thinker entitled Dem violence and manhood. In it, he highlights a twitter post from Kurt Schlichter that asks if the Democrats really want violence and intimidation to be the new rule, because there will only be one rule. If one reads the Old Testament, one will notice that God, while long suffering, eventually lost patience with people who did not love him, and ordered the Israelites, a normally peaceful people, to kill every last one of them, men, women and children, their livestock, and burn all their possession. As Kurt Schlichter implies, they may not like the new rules.

McDaniel then points to a case of Vice President J. D. Vance walking with his 3 year old daughter when "protesters" began shouting and harassing him:

Certainly, Vance had Secret Service protection, so his daughter and he weren’t in obvious physical danger, and Vance, taking advantage of that relative safety, treated the “protestors” with the civility they denied him. But he’s absolutely right: they were s**t people. Did their parents not teach them one doesn’t terrorize little children? Were they raised by wolves, or the modern equivalent, terrorists? Or were they sufficiently intelligent to realize they were protected by the Secret Service and Vance’s position? Did they understand many a Normal American father would have done them real violence for threatening his daughter, and no jury, perhaps not even in a blue state, would have convicted him?


While Normal Americans understand that violence unleashed on a societal scale can’t be easily put back in the bottle, D/s/c don’t. Caught up in the adrenaline rush of “direct action,” they’re learning in the second Trump Administration there might be consequences. They might even be expelled from the universities whose classes they don’t bother to attend, so busy are they building a better world through trespassing, arson, destruction of property and intimidation of innocents.
They, and the D/s/c politicians who think they control them, believe political violence is like an amplifier potentiometer. It can be dialed up to 10, down to 6 and back to 0 at will and with no consequences. Normal Americans, people who simply want to be left alone to raise their families and go about their daily business—yes, they actually go to work and produce, or they’re fired—keep that potential for violence tightly under control. For them, there are no potentiometers. They’re at zero or “kill them all”--a second civil war.
The danger D/s/c “protestors” represent is just that real. With the current reemergence of the rule of law, the danger of civil war may be reduced, but those funding and inciting those “protests” never cease wanting one.

How can Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) be so passionate about killing infants in the womb? Or assasinating Elon Musk? For that matter, how can they be so passionate about supporting Hamas when it is they who started the latest war with Israel? It seems they are on the wrong side of everything, and they are very passionate about it. But they should be reading the Old Testament and asking themselves when God will finally have enough of them. Be careful what for what you wish.

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