David Limbaugh has a piece on the Goofball Wormening front and the Copenhagen meeting at Townhall.com today entitled
Defenseless Enviro-thugs Go On the Offensive. You should stop over and read it. It doesn't have much technical detail, but then you can go to Watts Up With That! for technical detail. Rather, this report summarizes why this is all happening:
As British columnist Christopher Booker says: "What has become arguably the most influential set of evidence used to support the case that the world faces unprecedented global warming, developed, copied and promoted hundreds of times, has now been as definitively kicked into touch as was (Michael) Mann's 'hockey stick' before it. Yet it is on a blind acceptance of this kind of evidence that 16,500 politicians, officials, scientists and environmental activists will be gathering in Copenhagen to discuss measures which ... would ... utterly (transform) the world economy."
Perhaps the culpability of many rank-and-file leftists should be understood in light of their mind-numbed credulity over the alarmists' claims and the Draconian solutions they offer to avert their mythical Armageddon. These leftist sheep seem engaged in a chimerical search for significance apart from God, whose existence their worldview rejects but for whom their hearts cry out in a self-muted cacophony.
Meanwhile, the EPA has now found out that
CO2 is a pollutant. Go over and check out Atlas Shrugs for the details. A quote:
"CO2 for different people has different attractions. After all, what is it? - it’s not a pollutant, it’s a product of every living creature’s breathing, it’s the product of all plant respiration, it is essential for plant life and photosynthesis, it’s a product of all industrial burning, it’s a product of driving – I mean, if you ever wanted a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving, this would be a dream. So it has a kind of fundamental attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality." - Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D. Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT
What this means is that the Obama Administration is prepared to go forward with Cap and Tax whether the Congress gives him the legislation or not, or whether the Senate ratifies a treaty out of Copenhagen or not. The only way this can be stopped is if the Congress stops it. While there may not be the votes to pass Cap and Tax, there are also not the votes to stop EPA either.
"So, if it is not CO2 that is causing the climate to change, what is?", you might ask.
Don Easterbrook, a retired Geology professor at Western Washington University has a theory that seems to correlate well over time, and explains the Medieval Warm Period, the Maunder Minimum, the warming of the last third of the 20th century, and the current cooling. Unfortunately, if Professor Easterbrook is correct, there really isn't anything we can do about it. Of course that means everyone can go about using fossil fuels as before. Indeed, there is no need to bring the industrial revolution to a halt and return mankind to primitive hunter-gatherers, living in grass huts. No need for a global governance. No need, in other words, for the leftists who have brought this silly idea to a head in Copenhagen.
One of the interesting things about our current standard of living is the built-in assumption that our time is worth more than things. Our society is a "disposable" society because "things" are worth less, and our time is worth considerably more. Cap and Tax would reverse that trend. Suddenly, the car you own now might be the last you buy, because to produce them is so expensive. All kinds of materials become recyclable because the energy to produce new is so expensive. You probably would go back to taking a bath maybe once a month (utility prices would skyrocket.) Clothes would be worn until they were really dirty, and then washed by hand. Because of the high cost of new clothes, someone in your family would have to figure out how to repair them until they could not be repair anymore. Does your wife know how to sew? Mine doesn't. Food would become a major part of your budget, because of the transportation costs to bring it to you, and your diet would necessarily get a lot simpler. Oranges might be a Christmas treat, rather than staples. Try to imaging the life of someone in your area living in 1875, but without the freedoms they enjoyed, and you pretty much have what your life, and that of your children will be like. If it were necessary, I wouldn't say a word, but it is not. The fact is that the world will warm, the world will cool, and we have nothing to do with it. All we can do is adapt when it happens.
Are you mad enough yet?