Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Left Takes Down U. S. Economy

When I was assigned to by NAVFAC's "expert" on goofball wormening I said to my boss, "This is just an attempt to shackle our economic power and make Europe more competitive." At last, the cat is out of the bag, with an IBD Editorial published Monday entitled Greens' Real Target: U.S. Economy A quote:

What goes little commented on, however, is the reason for the vehemence of these calls for CO2 sacrifice on the part of the U.S.: a desire to take our economy down.

Having decisively lost the great debate between capitalism and socialism, the only way the global warming socialists can do this is by imposing restrictions on U.S. output in response to the ginned-up "emergency" of global warming.
It is childish, I know to say "I told you so." But sometimes, one needs that recognition.


  1. Agreed on every point but one: it won't make Europe more competitive. It will, however, make the U.S. less competitive, having the illusory effect of making Europe appear stronger - and if we've learned anything at all from the progressives, it's that appearances are everything.

  2. Rev. Paul,
    You are right again.

