Thursday, March 10, 2011

Submit or Die

It has been a while now since I risked a fatwa against me, so I guess it is time I did so again. Today in the American Thinker, Amil Imani has an article entitled Dear Rep. King: Forget 'Radical'-Islam is the Culprit. A quote:

The pundits, the analysts and the politicians are doing a great disservice to the public, each segment for its own expedient reasons, by parroting the mantra regarding the peaceful nature of Islam. As a matter of fact, the so-called small band of Islamic extremists is the true face of Islam. Admittedly, from time to time and place to place, Muslims have shown a degree of tolerance for non-Muslims. This tolerance dates back to the very early years of Muhammad himself. Early on Muhammad was meek and proclaimed, "For you, your religion, and for me, my religion." This assertion lasted but a few years until Muhammad's movement gathered strength and Islam became the only alternative to death or heavy taxation. The imposition of 'jizya' was a clever ploy for filling the Islamic coffer to support its armies and to finance its further conquests.

The liberal media and pundits engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits them. Terms such as "Political Islam," or "Radical Islam," for instance, are contributions of this group. These terms do not even exist in the native parlance of Islam, simply because they are redundant. Islam, by its very nature and according to its charter -- the Quran -- is a radical political movement. It is the liberal media and politicians who sanitize Islam and misguide the populace by saying that "real Islam" constitutes the main body of the religion; and, that this main body is non-political and moderate.
Today, the Constitution has two enemies, whose goal is the same. The Left, meaning Marxism in all its faces, whether Communist, Fascist, or Socialist, and Islam. While the Left continues to be a threat, I think we have finally awakened enough people to, if not the evil, at least the impracticality of Leftist policies. Islam, on the other hand, is gaining strength in this country.  Both religions have a blood soaked history, and if they gain the upper hand, this country will be no different. 

I have wondered for some time about why Islam seems to be given a pass that Christianity never gets. It seems as if the news media, the schools, and Government bureaucrats and the Courts all have reached a secret agreement that Allah is the true god. Or, perhaps the Left recognizes in Islam the same hollow imitation of life that marks the existence of the Left. So, it was with interest that I read Anthony Martin's Conservative Examiner article today. Martin has an exclusive interview with an ex-CIA agent who warns us that various Islamic groups have penetrated our institutions and are feeding us a politically correct pablum about the true nature of Islam. Sounds like the Left's "long march through the institutions." And that maybe where they learned the strategy. In any case, read the article, and read the follow up whenever Anthony can get it posted. It is sobering.

I have read Revelations on several occasions. I never really understood all the symbolism. Some have said it is really about the dangers faced by the early church. Even if that is true, I think it has relevance today, or the early Fathers would not have been inspired to put it in our canon. In many ways it does seem to be coming true. Armageddon may be fought in the streets of this country.  I can only have faith that my God, the one whose ineffable name nobody can know, will see his will done. I pray I am on the right side, His.


  1. I read your final paragraph twice, just to be sure I'm following you correctly - and I believe that you are correct about the warnings therein for the Church today. I personally believe that the warnings were not for the early church at all, but clearly are describing events still to come - as expressed by a 1st century fisherman who struggled to explain things he'd never seen and didn't understand well, except as God gave him grace to write it down.

    The descriptions of a Russian-Islamic force moving against Israel are quite clear, as is the Chinese army force which is described thereafter, marching into the valley of Har-Megiddo (Armegeddon).

    If radicals want us to believe otherwise, they're too late.

  2. Rev. Paul,

    I will leave it to you to say what Revelations really means, as you have more Biblical training than I have. I personally believe that the place Armeggedon is more symbolic than literal, but I don't really know.

    Best wishes,
