Monday, April 23, 2018

Revelation Comes True as Big Banks Target Your Rights

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:17

Daniel Greenfield, AKA Sultan Knish has an article on the Left's latest attempt at gun grabbing today entitled Big Banks Target Bill of Rights. While Greenfield doesn't say so in his article, it is clear that if they can get away with denying people funds for legal purchases of firearms and accessories, they can eventually decide what rights you have depending on your ideology. For example, if you belong to the wrong church, they could deny you the right to donate to your church. The Catholic church, for instance, because it stands against abortion, could be on the list of organizations to which you would not be allowed to write a check, because your check would be denied. And while you can use cash today, cash may be limited in the near future as well.
The American people lent $45 billion to Bank of America during the bailout. That bailout came with a hefty $100 billion guarantee against losses on toxic assets.
That money came from American taxpayers. It came from gun owners and non-gun owners. But Bank of America has warned that it will refuse to lend money to manufacturers of “assault-style guns”. It had previously announced it was edging away from the coal business to fight global warming.
Citigroup got $476 billion in cash and guarantees: the most of any bank. Now Citibank is repaying the generosity of the American people by requiring its clients to impose their own gun control policies on their stores. Impose gun control on your customers or Citibank will discriminate against you.
Next up is Wells Fargo. The stagecoach brand has said that it’s up to the government to impose gun control, but that it is discussing gun safety with its clients. That’s not enough for outraged activists. The American Federation of Teachers, an organization that runs on extorting money from teachers and taxpayers, warned Wells Fargo that it had to choose between firearms manufacturers and the AFT.
As a conservative, I am sympathetic argue that these are private companies, and therefore they can set their own policies, and do business with whom they like. But that there's a problem. The banks willingly took taxpayer funds. That coupled with the fact that these are publicly traded companies meaning many of their shareholders may not be in agreement with these policies. Perhaps the Justice Department should look into these companies more closely, as I am sure there are laws that spell out that they can not discriminate against legitimate businesses trading in legal products. Perhaps the breakup of such large accumulations of power, particularly when it is used against such tiny companies.

You need to read the whole thing, but if the Left gets away with denying people the ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights, they will use the tactic to deny pretty much every other right. A conservative news organization needs a revolving line of credit just like CNN does, In that way they can control what you hear or read. They can make it difficult for a conservative to run for office by controlling where you spend you money or to whom you may donate.
The left is not against big banks. It is against freedom.
Every institution exists only as a means for the left to exercise its power, to impose collective systems and tear down individual rights. It is only opposes businesses to the extent that they represent individual initiative and personal freedom. But it will rule the country and enforce its will on us by any means.


  1. Under a biblical government (rejected by the constitutional framers) there would be no big banks and no Bill of Rights.

    The Federal Reserve and its mistress the fiat usurious banking system could not exist because both are a violation of the Eighth Commandment, and the Bill of Rights is in violation of several of the Ten Commandments, beginning with First Commandment-violating First Amendment.

    For evidence, see free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective," in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at

    Then find out how much you REALLY know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and receive a complimentary copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL. vs. USC."

    1. Mr. Weiland,

      You are quite right that the framers deliberately set out to write a Constitution that did not specify a particular religion, or indeed no religion at all. Indeed, the framers did not want to create a theocracy, but a republic, that allows each of us to serve God as the Holy Spirit may call us. If you are familiar with Martin Luther's theology of the two Kingdoms, yu will understand that as Christians we live simultaneously in the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the world. As a Christian we therefore have the freedom to be in the world but not of the world.
