Monday, April 23, 2018

Toplansky: Chipping Away at the Second Amendment

Eileen F. Toplansky has an excellent article today on how the government is constantly Chipping Away at the Second Amendment. In the process, she cites a somewhat forgotten piece that should receive wider reporting by the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). The JPFO report makes the case that the Gun Control Act of 1968 is derived from the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938.

Toplansky uses the results of the JPFO report to remind that citizens always lose their rights the same way, first through disarmament.  Once accomplished, the Left can do what it wants because you will have no defense. (To those who feel that somehow the military is so overwhelmingly powerful that the puny weapons we have are nothing against tanks and nuclear bombs, let me remind that most of the military's "shock and awe" will be unusable against a civilian population already oppressed by its policies.  Imagine the PR war waged against the Israeli government by the "Palestinians" and how that has turned world opinion against them.  Now imaging news gets out of children killed in a raid by U. S. troops, or a neighborhood of innocent people destroyed in a bombing raid by the U.S. Air Force.)

The Second Amendment is the guardian of the other 9 amendments in the Bill of Rights recognized as Granted to us by our Creator.  If someone proposes to repeal that Amendment, I do not think it too strong to say that that person is a traitor to the People.  However, I do not want them imprisoned, though that is what they deserve.  Rather, if one or another of the many gun free paradises on earth will not have them, I suggest that board a Navy ship and sail from port to port like The Man Without a Country. Like him, no one will be allowed to mention the United States in their presence. For it is clear that they truly hate this country and its people beyond measure.

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