Saturday, January 18, 2020

Is Governor Northam Setting Stage For Violence On Lobby Day?

January 20, 2020 marks, of course, Martin Luther King Day, but it is also the date of the annual Virginia Citizens' Defense League (VCDL) Lobby Day.  The purpose of Lobby Day is a day for volunteer members of VCDL to speak with their legislative representatives and Senators about gun issues.  VCDL, along with a number of Republicans have been responsible for getting concealed carry passed in Virginia, and expanding gun rights in general.  When I lived in Virginia, I was a member of VCDL.  It is a mainstream organization that ties members from all walks of life together by a common bond of carrying a concealed handgun for personal protection.

The Governor of Virginia, Gov. "Blackface" Northam has preemptively declared a gun free zone around the state Capitol, tagging VCDL members as white nationalists and skinheads, and blaming VCDL members for any violence that occurs on January 20.  The story can be found at the American Thinker in a post by James G. Robertson entitled Blame Game Set for VA. Gov. Northam's Gun Free Kill Zone
Capitol police expect to funnel as many as 10,000 people through magnetometers into the outdoor gun-free kill zone that will be contained by fencing around the Capitol grounds. Thus, any violent extremists motivated by mass murder will be able legally to carry their weapons onto 9th Street and have a free fire zone into the trapped and defenseless crowd.
Similarly, it will be legal to carry anywhere on the streets surrounding the kill zone. Trapping people in an enclosure won't make them safe, and the prospect of mixing bad and good actors in the streets is an object lesson in the futility of gun-free zones.
On Lobby Day, should people need to escape the gun-free kill zone, they will be funneled into exit choke points along the fence, where they will be vulnerable to further concentrated violence. This is the same type of plan used in Charlottesville to trap Unite the Right demonstrators behind metal barricades, and then to funnel them through exits targeted by the Antifa mob.
Antifa mob?  Who are these guys?  Lets take a look at the history of the so called Antifascists who are the new military wing of the left.  Doug Petrikat has a piece at the American Thinker entitled The Fascist Roots Behind Today's Justification Of Political Violence. Petrikat points out that Antifa is the same old group of communists who fought against the fascists in the 1920s and 1930s in fascist Italy and Germany.  The entire enterprise is Un-American, indeed, is an imported philosophy from Europe, from Marx and Engles.
But now someone I personally know and consider a rational, intelligent person was justifying political violence. It made me think that we have reached the point where apparently normal people believe violence is an acceptable way to resolve internal political differences.
This is a disturbing development. In a civilized society, freedom of speech and open discussion enable those with different views to learn from each other and consider their own positions from a more critical perspective. However, where threats, intimidation, ridicule, and political violence are the norm, open discussion is suppressed, and progress is hindered.
Antifa began a century ago in 1921 as a front group under the direction of the Soviet Union to incite a Communist revolution in Germany. In 1923 the Politburo of the Communist Party in Soviet Russia held a meeting to plan an armed insurrection to overthrow the struggling democracy in Germany’s Weimar Republic. Following the Politburo’s instructions, the German Communist Party formed its armed movement to silence rival political parties through violence and to overthrow the government. The party named its movement Antifaschistische Aktion.
The party chose the name Antifaschistische Aktion, now known as Antifa, because an Italian Marxist fell out with his nation’s Socialist Party, founded his own party, and took power in 1922. Although he still held leftist views, nationalized 75% of Italy’s economy, and expanded the state’s social safety net, he believed that a hierarchy should be part of society and ignored the dictates from both the Socialists in his former party and the Communists in Moscow. For this heresy, his new party was branded as a rogue movement.
If one were prone to conspiracy theories, one might think that Governor Northam, a Leftist, might well be coordinating, indirectly of course, with Antifa, to create the violence while arranging the stage to actually cause it. Not that I am a conspiracy theorists, but...

T, L, Davis lays out the theory in more detail in a post at the American Thinker entitled Is Governor Northam Trying To State a Second Civil War? Davis notes that normal political behavior is that in the face of overwhelming unpopularity of a given policy, politicians usually either modify their plans or dump them all together.  After all, how can you govern without the consent of the governed?  Yet the Democrats seem poised to ram extreme gun control down Virginia citizens' throats. 

If you are planning to be a part of Lobby Day, please read the embedded articles, and keep your head on a swivel.  Be ready to film anything that looks like it may become Antifa mob violence, or may be a false flag operation designed to make gun owners the bad guys.

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