Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Original Sin

At The Federalist today, Stella Moribido writes that the Pandemic Has Magnified The Worst Impulses Of The Power Hungry Elite She is speaking, of course, of the petty tyrants and dictators that have cropped up everywhere since the pandemic. She talks about the media, Congress, and the many others who seem to believe they are their own God:
This pandemic has laid bare the intentions of our self-appointed betters in Washington, the media, and beyond. They have shown no desire for national unity, pushing policies to empower only themselves. They manipulate people’s worst fears, knowing that’s the surest way to get them to lay down their liberties.
We should be able to see a God-complex at work in all this control-freak behavior, and we should not fear calling out that behavior for what it is. If this seems over-the-top to American readers, that’s because we aren’t used to living under totalitarian rule.
As we just emerged from Holy Week, we would do well to recognize that this is man’s natural, sinful state. After all, the sin of pride, or the conceit of playing god, is the original sin from which all other sins emanate.
She is exactly right. I the garden of Eden, the snake tempted Eve by telling her she would become as God. That apparently sounded good to her, and so she ate of the fruit of the tree of Good and Evil. Remember, before this they only knew good. They had no evil thoughts, so everything they did was innocent.

In any case, Eve did eat of the fruit the Devil gave her, and so did Adam, and here we are.  The Constitution was written for just such times.  The colonists had just won a war against the super power of their day who had tried to take away the God given rights of the people.  This over reach was met with armed force.  In order to secure the rights of the people, a Constitution was written.  Nothing in it says anything about pandemics or other issues.  People have rights in peace and in war.

I suspect that as more data becomes available, the average person will see that the panic over this disease was trumped up to damage the President.  Not only will the lockdown become unenforceable, but the entire masquerade will backfire on those trying to dictate our lives.  Because, the first sin is really the only sin.  All others are just other manifestations of the original sin.

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