Sunday, July 5, 2020

God is our only hope

David Solway has an article today at the American Thinker today that paints a particularly dark picture of what we conservatives face. The article can be found at the site The Devil's Pitchfork: Seeking The Origin Of Our Present Troubles Solway explores the history of socialism in America and posits that its beginnings may have been at the founding, but then discounts such theories as utter nonsense. Here is the way Solway puts it:
The progressivist campaign to destroy America is three-pronged, the tines of the devil’s pitchfork, namely: de-individuation, de-historicizing, and what I’m tempted to call pre-eminent domain (the power of the state to take more than one’s physical property). In other words, it is a war against three intimately related phenomena: self-governing personhood, historical memory, and the possession of property, whether intellectual or private property as understood by John Locke.1 Thus our ideas are no longer our own but state-injected bromides, history has been co-opted in the service of a political fantasy, and ownership is the prerogative of the state.
Where did all this come from? A starting-point is always elusive -- one recalls the lone provocative idea of deconstructionist Jacques Derrida, namely, that origins always recede. Was the Revolutionary War a blunder that has come to haunt a nation of immature colonists? Did the Founding Fathers sow an abstract and hypocritical ideal into the fabric of the Republic? Was slavery an original sin for which there is no redemption? Were these the origins of America’s cultural malaise? We may as well return to the singularity at the Big Bang or to the Garden of Eden and the first bite of the apple -- as revived in a computer company logo. All such explanations are, to be candid, utter nonsense. They are mere hypotheses, unmoored theories, with no basis in empirical fact. One recalls another pertinent Yogism: “In theory, there is no difference between practice and theory. In practice, there is.”
We can say that the early communist John Dewey’s theories of child-centered (or whole child) “progressivist education” exerted a salient bearing on the infantilization of American pedagogy -- “snowflake” psychology is a distant relative of this academic heresy. A more immediate cause can be found in the rigorously leftist Frankfurt School (aka the Institute for Social Research), a collection of émigrés from Nazi Germany -- Max Horkheimer, Theodore Adorno, Erich Fromm3 and Herbert Marcuse among the most significant -- who by their presence and/or writings infiltrated the echelons of higher education and eventually came to dominate its curriculum. The hordes of ignorant, lifelong-indebted, disposable epigones rioting in the streets are the legacy of these socialist ideologues.
Solway admits that he has no solution to the problem we find ourselves in, and which is largely of our own making. For we allowed the communists and socialists in our midst to gain the high points of our culture and infect school teachers, law professors, and other professors with the virus of communism. That in turn has led to the notion of a "living constitution." It has led to ignorant masses of young people carrying the banners of the BLM and Antifa terrorists currently rioting, looting, maiming and murdering innocents, destroying businesses, and tearing down statues.  It has undermined the rule of law.  It has also undermined the idea of private property, of intellectual property, indeed, of an individual's rights to the benefit of the fruits of his own labor.  That, in turn, leads ironically back to slavery for millions of us.

I suppose it is an artifact of the dismissal of the lessons of history that Leftist professors and journalists are likely to be among the first ones thrown up against the wall and shot.  Communist leaders fear anyone who might have the intellectual power to point out their utter hypocrisy and lies.  Pol Pot shot anyone who wore glasses.  In the age of communism, anyone who stands up will be decapitated.  Anyone who speaks out, who objects to the supposed "peoples policies" will be punished.  Oh, and if you are religious, you are also marked.  In communism, the state is god.  To recognize the God of creation as superior to the state, whose Law one can not violate without convicting oneself, is a distinct no-no.  That is why any true believing communist is an avowed atheist.

So, Solway has no solutions.  But I will offer what I think is the only one.  Our founders called upon Divine Providence in writing the Declaration of Independence, a document which I encourage you to read again.  It refers to God in many ways, as the Creator, as Nature's God, and of course as Divine Providence.  These names show a respect for our Heavenly Father that is often lacking in today's world.  I believe with all my heart that He has inspired not just the Bible.  He has inspired a number of other writings throughout history, and the Declaration of Independence is one of these.  As a result, I encourage everyone to pray for our nation, our President and our representatives.  Pray that they do the right things.

God is our only hope.  He may yet save us.

Update:  Meanwhile, to add to yesterdays post about things we all can do, here are some more from Francis Porretto at the blog Liberty's Torch
What methods other than argument are available to us?
t’s a good question, given the state of the law and the depressing left-wing colonization of major Internet institutions. Violence, for the moment, is off the table – but not necessarily so forever. However, three measures that don’t involve violence – always in the proper meaning of the word, never in the meaning attributed to it by the special snowflakes among us — have hardly even been tried:
Unconcealed contempt;
Open derision and mockery;
All three of these things are quite legal, along with another that’s seldom even contemplated: refusal to hire on the grounds of political-ethical posture. (Cf. Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics.) However, they all require a hardening of mindsets and attitudes that will challenge many in the Right.
There is a saying: God helps those who help themselves. We should pray, always. But we also must do those things we can do. There's another saying: Luck comes to those who are prepared. A word to the wise.

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