Saturday, July 25, 2020

How To Prepare For The Coming Communist Coup

Judith Acosta has a poignant article today at the American Thinker entitled How To Prepare For A Communist Coup. In it, she thinks about the unthinkable, and then writes it down for the rest of us. Of course, her preparations include arming ourselves and having plenty of ammunition on hand. She also discusses having tools, food, and water. But the interesting thing, that makes this list more real is the need for Spiritual preparation; putting on the Amour of God.
This is, in my mind, the most important option. We are still one nation under God, whether or not it “trends.” It entails that we take the time now to cultivate relationships, spend time in prayer, and trust in the right things, which are overwhelmingly not in this world. On the geopolitical map in the natural world, we may be alone, but in truth we are not. We are held together and empowered by the Creator who really does know what He is doing. Even when we can’t see it…or understand it. And, when (or if) the time comes for us to show what we’re made of, we may be braver and stronger than we can imagine from our more comfy vantage points right now.
Of course, I urge you to read the entire article. I also urge you to begin, if you don't already, to pray each day. Thank God for preserving you through the night, and ask Him to send His Spirit to guide you though the day. Thank Him for the gift of this nation, and ask Him to preserve it against His enemies. For surely, the godless hordes now coming against us are His enemies.

Oh, and secure your copy of Orwell's book 1984 before it is banned. While we look on it as a cautionary tale, they seem to be using it as a how-to manual.

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