Sunday, July 26, 2020

Socialism is Fueled By Greed and Envy

Jeffery Stueber, at the American Thinker has a good explanation of how Leftism Replaces Success With Failure. Margaret Thatcher famously said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." It is true that socialist programs always seem to rely on somebody else providing the funds. But it still soft sells the actual truth, namely that what animates people who embrace socialism is greed for what others have built. They wish to take the wealth that others have made, from their cleverness, their persistence, their passion, and have it for themselves without doing the work required. No wonder they also want to get rid of Christianity, because isn't one of God's Commandments "Thou shall not steal"?

Stueber leads us on a brief history of socialism from Marx and Engles to The Green New Deal to show us that whatever else socialism is or does, its primary purpose is to use men's envy and greed to pry the wealth of others out or their hands and place it in the hands of the socialists.  Along the way, the philosophy makes everyone who isn't part of the socialist elite miserable.  And the armies of people now rioting, looting, and destroying are what Lenin referred to as "useful idiots," to be disposed of when their usefulness has past.  It is how such revolutions are always accomplished.

Please go read Stueber's article at the highlighted site.  Ronald Reagan said that America is the last best hope for mankind.  As it stands, that seems true, for until something better comes along, America is it.  We, who are born here, are the luckiest people on earth, and we have God to thank for being here.  Our Constitutional system was, I am convinced, inspired.  It would be a shame to see it overturned.  I can not believe that God would be pleased.

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