Sunday, August 30, 2020

No Fear

So, now according the New York Times 90% of positive Covid-19 test results are in fact negative. The story comes from a tip sheet at by Bronson Stocking entitled Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Postive Covid Results Should Have Been Negative.
According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems.
"Most of these people are not likely to be contagious, and identifying them may contribute to bottlenecks that prevent those who are contagious from being found in time," warns The Times.
So, the Left is once again exposed as lying to us. As always, when a long train of lies, misstatements, misdirection, all pointing in the same direction; to stampede people into voting for socialism, one can not remain silent. There was never any need to lock down the economy. There was never any need to make healthy people wear masks, nor was there any need quarantine most of the public. The whole object of these measures was to convince us that the virus was incredibly dangerous, that somehow it was all Trump's fault, and if you want to stop the virus, vote for the Democrat. It is a truly sick plot.  It would have been easier to do something positive for people, as Trump has done.  Instead, you have a vast conspiracy to tear down the America we know and wreck the economy for generations.

At the American Thinker today, there is a post by Stephanie Hitt entitled Media Hop To Gain A November Victory For Democrats Through Fear. Here is an example
The media's complicit and alarmist coronavirus reporting. Despite clear national trends of weaker cases, lower hospitalizations, fewer deaths, and increasing therapeutic successes, the headlines about various spikes are designed to make us think it is getting worse, not better. Blue-state governors are using this panic to support rolling back openings. For example, Illinois is experiencing an overall decrease in positivity and death rates. Yet, just this week, Governor Pritzker added the extra requirement of wearing masks while interacting with wait staff at restaurants and order-takers at drive-thrus — despite no proof that any spikes are related to restaurant patronage. It does not matter; the goal is to keep people scared from one inflated crisis to the next.
As you can see, the propaganda are of the Democrat party is attempting to scare us into voting the way they want us to.
Note that our ancestors and progenitors sacrificed much, some of the gave everything, in order for us to have the relative comfort and prosperity we have today.  In turn we could pass it on and make it better.  But there are people who want to reduce us to a banana republic.  Why?  Because a prosperous America stands as a rebuke to every socialist, or communist, of fascist regime out there.

The Left has been using fear of Covid as its latest scare tactic.  But it has pretty much run its course.  I have been telling folks that it will be over by November 4th.  After that, something else will be trumped up to scare the public, because the Left never sleeps.

The only answer we can give is to have no fear.  Sounds like a slogan from a T-shirt.

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